Archive for ‘Time Management’ Category

Posted on: October 23rd, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 16 Comments


Last week, in Take a Break — How Breaks Improve Health and Productivity, we looked at the key benefits of taking breaks in helping us improve our mental and physical well-being as well as achieve our goals. These included:

  • Enhanced physical health
  • Reduced stress
  • Increased energy and motivation
  • Improved focus, memory, and concentration
  • Prevention of decision fatigue
  • Enhanced creativity and problem-solving

We also examined the various durations of breaks and their relative advantages for different purposes, from the teeny 20–20–20 breaks to prevent eyestrain (every 20 minutes of screen time, look away from the screen and focus on something at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds) to the quick breaks as we transition between meetings or tasks.

We looked extensively at the medium-length work breaks we often fail to indulge in (but need so much to refresh our bodies, brains, and spirits). Breaks benefiting the body include time taken for meals and snacks, resting and napping, walking, and even dancing, while pauses that improve mental function and emotional well-being include meditation or mindfulness, time spent in nature, and breaks for doing creative things, appreciating some aspect of life or culture, and socializing.

And, of course, breaks extend all the way to full vacations. 


Did you know that the longer a vacation is, the better it is for you, but only up to a certain duration? The average American worker is entitled to about 16 days of paid leave (combining holiday and vacation days), though we should note that about a quarter of workers get no paid leave at all!

Americans have a habit of trying glom vacation days onto long holiday weekends to try to pack month’s worth of need rest and relaxation into four days. While any break break is better than none, such short vacations fail to provide substantive recuperative benefits. Worse, according to a Pew Research Center Survey, 46% of U.S. workers who do get paid time off take less than they are allowed.

The reasons for workers shorting themselves time off vary and overlap: 52% don’t recognize the need, 49% worry that they will fall behind (and reap negative repercussions, including angering supervisors, risking their prospects for advancement (or even risking their jobs), and 43% feel guilty about their workload having to be handled by co-workers taking on additional work.

With all of these reasons not to take vacation, the counter-argument is obvious in the Harvard Business Review piece, You’re Never Going to Be “Caught Up” At work. Stop Feeling Guilty About It. Work keeps coming!

© United States Postal Service

I always tell my clients that not only is Inbox: Zero largely a fallacy, so is Laundry Basket: Zero. Unless you decide to stop sending email or your family members all become nudists, it all keeps coming. We’re humans, not robots, and can do only so much. So, as the article says, we must practice self-compassion, focus on our accomplishments rather than our shortfalls, and use mindfulness.

Don’t guilt yourself into trying to accomplish an inhumane amount of work, and go back to last week’s post to see why you need to take breaks!

Finally, the Pew study didn’t take into account self-employed workers. We have our own reasons for not taking vacations; primarily, if we’re not working, we’re not earning, and without the predictability of a paycheck (and with the fear of clients forgetting we exist if we aren’t there to answer the phone), we’re hesitant.

But we all need vacation breaks for the same reasons we need those multiple daily breaks — to keep us physically and emotionally healthy, mentally sharp, and productive.

So how long should a vacation be?

According to a study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, the ideal length of a vacation is approximately eight days. Researchers found that happiness levels rise over the first few days of vacation (as individuals acclimate to fewer stressful demands and the greater opportunity to sleep in those cushy hotel beds that they don’t have to make up themselves).

As physical and mental distance between work and vacation life expands, happiness peaks on the eighth day.

However, eventually the sense of well-being that comes from vacation starts to taper off, and by day eleven significantly drops. In order to get the most recuperative benefits of a vacation, researchers encourage taking multiple vacations spaced throughout the work year, ideally lasting between seven and 11 days. 

A less academically stringent poll of 1000 respondents by found that workers who took an average of 13 days off each year were satisfied and felt they took the “right amount” of time off, while those who wished they had taken more time off took an average of 10 days off. And, interestingly, people who said they took too much used an average of 14 days. (I suspect that’s where guilt starts to set in.)

Obviously, what you do with your vacation matters; you’re far more likely to be bored on day 12 of a staycation in snowy Detroit in January than on the same day of a two-week trip to Italy. Ask me how I know!

Day 12 in Venice, September 2018

Multiple 7-to-11-day vacations throughout the year? What did I say about a quarter of Americans not getting any paid leave at all? We might want to consider the health and productivity benefits of vacation trends around the world.

First, the European Union guarantees four paid weeks off annually. Beyond that:

  • France — French labor law mandates a minimum of 30 working days of paid leave for employees.
  • Finland — Finnish labor law also stipulates a minimum of 30 working days of paid vacation per year for employees.
  • Austria — Austrian labor law guarantees a minimum of 25 working days of paid annual leave.
  • Denmark — Danish labor law provides for a minimum of 25 working days of paid vacation.
  • Germany — German labor law ensures a minimum of 24 working days of paid leave, which can increase based on the collective bargaining agreements and the length of service for an employee.
  • Spain — Spanish labor law provides for a minimum of 22 working days of paid leave, with additional days for particular circumstances such as marriage, relocation, or special personal events.

It’s not just Europe. Brazilian labor law guarantees a minimum of 30 consecutive days of paid annual leave for workers, which can be split into three periods, one of which must be no less than 14 consecutive days! Panamanians get 30 days of paid vacation each year, on top of 10 paid holidays, while workers in India get 18 vacation days a year along with an additional 7 days of “casual leave,” totaling 25 paid (non-holiday) days each year.

But yes, Europeans in particular know how to take recuperative breaks. But what about those medium-length breaks we discussed last week, time taken out of our daily work grind, perhaps mid-morning, mid-day, or during the afternoon? 


Let’s look abroad to see what practices and rituals we might borrow, emulate, or at least appreciate from our international friends to successfully take pauses that refresh us.

Obviously acceptance (and formalization) of these practices vary by workplace and cultural context. Nonetheless, the significance lies in how these practices can promote work-life balance, foster true social connections, and/or enhance overall well-being and productivity.



Most of us are well-acquainted with the Spanish and Latin American tradition of siestas or afternoon naps, even if we’ve only learned of it from old movies or novels. A siesta is generally practiced as a nap (or at least rest) break after the mid-day meal, generally lunch.

Historically, the ritual of a siesta was practiced by rural workers to combat the effects of heat and bright sun in warm-climate regions. As the world became increasingly urbanized in the 20th century, the tradition of the siesta began to decline, to mixed results. While many workplaces have eliminated the option of time for a siesta, others have preserved the concept of a two-hour lunch break as a cultural tradition.

Indeed, those who have embraced the extended lunch (whether workers use it for sleep or just mental recovery) find that not only do employees benefit from being able to recharge and improve their work-life balance, but that workplace productivity increases for the latter part of the workday.

The value of a siesta has seen bit of a resurgence. In 2015, the mayor of the municipality of Ador, Valencia in Spain proclaimed a state-sanctioned right to an afternoon nap between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. The edict was, in part, a way to guarantee that employers recognize that manual laborers and agricultural works could take breaks when high temperatures peaked. But the proclamation also encouraged residents to return home to nap, and requested that parents keep their children indoors and that workers refrain from making undue noise.

In 2017, Madrid saw the opening of Spain’s first nap bar in Azca, the Spanish capital’s financial district. Because most city workers can’t get home during the post-lunch afternoon slump, the nap bar provides private rooms (for about 14 Euro (~$14.81/hour) as well as shared rooms with bunk beds 10 Euros (~$10.58)/hour. 

They also offer study nooks and cozy chairs, and if you want a shorter nap/rest time, you can book by the minute, and service includes a wake-up call!) (Germaphobes, worry not. Sheets are changed and professionally cleaned between uses.)

In the years since it opened, Siesta & Go has continued to expand and is now considered a hostel. 


In Greece, Cyprus, and many Mediterranean and Middle Eastern nations, Mesimeri refers to the midday break where businesses and offices often close for a few hours during the hottest part of the day. Mesimeri refers to the time between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. where individuals have the opportunity to rest, relax, and enjoy a leisurely meal before resuming work later in the day.

The notion isn’t just taking a break, but that everyone is strongly encouraged to be quiet — road work and construction shuts down, and stores close. While the napping aspect of Mesimeri was practiced by almost all individuals until about 30 years ago, Greek laws still define official quiet hours where loud music and work-related noise outside are banned. It’s easy to see how these communal pauses, when everyone is allowed — even expected — to take breaks eliminates any sense of guilt about not powering through at work.


Culturally, it would be hard to find a productivity paradigm more at odds with Spain’s siestas, Mediterranean Mesimeri, or even France’s traditionally long lunches than Japan’s work-centric approach. In Japan, there are no formal, unified times for culturally agreed-upon rest breaks. Instead, there’s Inemuri.

Inemuri translates to “being present while sleeping,” and refers to a sort of cultural acceptance of napping in public, whether in the workplace, on public transportation, or in parks. Rather than “if you see something, say something,” in the U.S., where you might assume a dozing person is unwell, Inemuri suggests that if you see someone conked out, they are less likely to be ill or have been imbibing and more likely to be evincing signs of dedication to their employers and hard work.

Obviously, this work-til-you-drop lifestyle is not something we want to emulate, but the acceptance of Inemuri allows people to take short rest breaks throughout the day. So, at least there’s a culturally accepted practice giving workers the capacity to recharge during Japan’s excessively long work hours.

And, if you don’t feel like sleeping at your desk, there are nap cafés and even vertical nap pods available in many workplaces and cafés to grant privacy (so nobody sees you drool). For example, there’s the GiraffeNap, a TARDIS-like capsule with headrest, cushioned seat, and footrest.

If you’ve got more time to watch a TikTok influencer experience the full Janapese nap pod experience, try this:

Wu Wei

In China, the Taosist concept of Wu Wei can be translated as “non-doing” or “effortless action.” , and it emphasizes the essentiality of taking breaks in order to allowing yourself to be in harmony with the natural flow of life. Wu Wei is less of a specific break ritual, and more a way of thinking, living, and working such that society (and the work place) values time for rest and creating balance in daily activities.

For more about the power of napping and resting:



In Spain, Portugal, North Africa, Brazil, and The Philippines, Merienda is the practice of taking a mid-afternoon break from work or school for a light meal or snack. As you might expect, this practice is a more official opportunity granted for individuals to take a brief pause, enjoy some refreshments, and recharge before continuing with their tasks.

After all, as we discussed last week, when our blood glucose suffers, brain fog zaps our ability to learn, remember, focus, or create. A merienda meal generally consists of simple snacks (bread, fruit, yogurt) and beverages (from child-friendly milk, hot chocolate, and fruit juice to more adult-appealing coffee and even light alcoholic drinks).

In South America, particularly Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil, the break is later in the day and a bit heavier, while in the Philippines, merienda culture the break for relaxation and rejuvenation comes twice a day, once in the mid-morning and again in mid-afternoon.

As long as you’re taking a break to read this post, want to make some merienda delicacies or read more about Spanish Meal Times and La Merienda — What and When to Eat?

La Merienda, or The Afternoon Meal, 1772, by Luis Meléndez, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Tea or Chai Break

Throughout the United Kingdom, places colonized by the UK over centuries, and in Asia, tea breaks for snacks (and not just the beverage tea) and socializing have been popular for the past two hundred years. The break for “a cuppa” is not merely culturally accepted, but respected, and provides the opportunity for workers and students to relax and foster social connections with their cohorts, both (as we discussed last week), improving well-being and productivity.

The equivalent of the tea break in India is the chai break, and similarly involves pausing work to enjoy a hot beverage, a snack, and some convivial conversation.


Italy has lots of daily social rituals. La Passeggiata is a leisurely evening stroll designed to shake loose the cobwebs and stressors of the day and ease into the evening; it also gives people the chance to greet their neighbors.

Riposo is a bit of a cross between a siesta and a merienda. Many Italians practice a long riposo lunch break, closing during (varying hours) from Noon to 4 p.m. to go home (or to restaurants) and take an extended pause for lunch and quiet time. While this is less often observed these days by knowledge workers in offices, the riposo custom is still observed by stores, museums, and churches, while restaurants stay open throughout the afternoon to accommodate those not able to return home.


At the risk of sounding like a spokesperson for IKEA or the Swedish Tourism Board, Sweden has cornered the market on taking breaks for the betterment of everyone. They practice two break-reated concepts that are central to feelings of well-being and improved productivity.


Let’s start with the Nordic concept of Lillördag (pronounced lee-lur-dog), a Swedish word meaning “little Saturday.” Conceptually, it encourages breaking up the monotony of the workweek with the spirit of some weekend mojo.

Generally, Swedes practice lillördag on Wednesdays, and it often includes going out for drinks with colleagues. (When I worked in television, I found that this habit (particularly among the sales staff) was called “any day ending in a Y.” But I digress.)

Rather than being seen as a work-related obligation that might contribute to toxic productivity, lillördag generates the sense of a mini-vacaton mid-week, giving workers something to look forward to amid the drudgery of a typical workweek.

The goal is to actually combat toxic productivity, prevent burnout, and promote mental recovery. Participants are sociable, but they aren’t merely moving work-related conversations about client obligations or how annoying Carol in Accounting can be into a more convivial (or boozy) atmosphere. Rather, lillördagers (I made that up) are encouraged to avoid talking about cranky-making things and just be social.

When I first heard about lillördag, it reminded me of Laura Vanderkam’s advice in her book Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters about scheduling little weekly adventures!


Vanderkam found that to get out of our daily/weekly ruts, we all require more novelty, texture, and richness in our time and our tasks. Vanderkam encouraged everyone to plan life in weeks, and to identify one “big adventure” (lasting perhaps half a weekend day) and one “little adventure” (lasting an hour) each week to introduce novelty. As Vanderkam says, “We don’t ask where did the time go when we remember where the time went.” 

With lillördag, the “little Saturday” break from workweek drudgery on Wednesday can enliven your spirit. But lillördag is truly little in importance when compared with Sweden’s biggest break concept: fika!


Considering that fika — a quasi mandatory (but relaxing) coffee and cake break — is so ingrained in, and important to, Swedish culture that it’s protected by law, it’s shocking that it’s not better known around the world.

The purpose of fika is not merely taking a snack break. It’s about slowing down, stepping away from work, and connecting or even bonding. Swedes do not grab a cup of coffee and a muffin from the office canteen or break room and then head back to their desks to eat.

Fika by Ea Ehn

Rather, fika breaks are designed to give people an opportunity to savor — the time away, the company, and the confections. (We’ve talked before about the importance of savoring for attending, appreciating, and enhancing positive experiences in life. If we don’t step away from our work to appreciate other aspects of life, everything turns into “All work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy.”

As you might guess from last week’s post, the Swedish taking of fika breaks is positively correlated not only with enhanced physical and emotional well-being, but also improved productivity and efficiency. Decades ago, researchers found that the most workplace accidents occurred around 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., and a practice was instituted for workers to take breaks at those two times.

The name fika, used as both a noun and verb, comes from a twisting of the letters in kaffi (coffee). It’s not about the coffee and pastries, per se, though the options are mouth-watering, such as those shown in The Culinary Art of Fika.


Fika works as a pressure valve, an opportunity not only to clear one’s head for a reset and refresh, but also an opportunity to step away from work culture. It’s considered bad manners to talk about work during fika. Instead, share a photo of your dog (or your kid), discuss everyone’s recent or upcoming vacations, or just get to know someone better. 

Traditionally, fika breaks are taken in the workplace. Individual employees or work teams may take turns bringing pastries like fikabröd, Swedish for fikabread, which they either make at home or purchase from local bakeries.

And it’s not just a little square of coffee cake or a doughnut from a box! Fika is a bit of a multi-course meal, with a bit of a social protocol around the order in which things are eaten. For example, some fika folks encourage eating the yummies from least fancy to most; for example, starting with a cinnamon bun, moving on to small cookies, and ending with a Princess Cake. (Don’t worry, I didn’t know what a Princess Cake was, either.)

Carbohydrate heaven! (While fika delicacies lean toward the sweet, savory options are allowed.)

Fika is such a big deal, culturally, that a popular podcast designed to introduce Sweden to the world is called A Swedish Fika.

Fika reminds me very much of a ritual we had at my dorm at Cornell. I lived in the International Living Centre, a mix of 144 international students ranging in age from 16-year-old freshman to 30something graduate students. Campus-wide, 11 p.m. was designated the time for a “primal scream,” where students all over campus would open their windows and howl at the indignit of too many exams and problem set.

The ILC, however, took a multicultural approach to letting off steam. From 11 p.m. onward, people would drop in and fade away from the main lounge for Coffee Hour. The dorm provided coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and a rotating bevy of store-bought (and occasionally homemade) desserts, and students would wander around the room, plunking down to chat with small cliques and reapportioning themselves, comfortably leaning against the fireplace, hanging over the ends of couches, and splaying themselves on the floor.

As the nighttime waned, some folks meandered off to sleep, while most returned to their rooms, the smaller study lounges, or back to campus for late night library sessions, energized from the caffeine, sugar, and social lubrication of Coffee Hour. Now I wonder if a Swedish ILC-er started the tradition! 

Are you familiar with any international cultural practices for break-taking that I didn’t mention? And which of these breaks would you most like to incorporate into your work day? Would you like to fika mid-morning? Riposo or siesta in the late afternoon?

Posted on: October 16th, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 17 Comments

If I asked what the single best thing you could do to improve your productivity was, what would you say? Would it be doing a brain dump of your tasks? Prioritizing what you need to do? Making a list? Avoiding multi-tasking? Eliminating interruptions?

What would you think if I told you that the best way to get the most out of everything you are doing is to stop doing it for a little while?

I know, it may sound counterintuitive, but taking a break instead of spending your day trying to power through is exactly what’s needed for your body, your brain, and your spirit, not to mention the actual work.

It may sound counterintuitive, but taking a break instead of spending your day trying to power through is exactly what's needed for your body, your brain, and your spirit, not to mention the actual work. Share on X

Let us not forget the trouble Alexander Hamilton found himself in when he failed to take a break. First, Eliza begged him to step away from his efforts to create a national banking system and pay attention to his son’s performance. (It’s a pity Lin-Manuel Miranda didn’t insert a verse from Cat’s In the Cradle!) Then his wife and sister-in-law begged him to “take a break,” and join them at their father’s place in upstate New York instead of struggling on in New York City.

(And, as fans of history and/or the musical Hamilton know, the failure to take a break from single-mindedly focusing on defeating Jefferson, et. al., and controlling the American economic future led, at least in part, to Hamilton making a poor personal decision (regarding Maria Reynolds), which led to others thinking he’d made a poor ethical and professional decision, which led to Hamilton blowing up his personal and professional lives. The whole second act is a testimonial for the vital importance of taking a break!)

But we don’t have to interpret musicals to know that taking breaks from our work or studying is essential for happy, productive lives. In “Give me a break!” A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of micro-breaks for increasing well-being and performance, researchers analyzed the results of 22 independent studies on the efficacy of work breaks for “enhancing well-being (vigor and fatigue) and performance.” They found that breaks were essential for replenishing mental and physical energy after work-related depletion, and that the more depleting a task is, the longer a duration of break is needed.  

And if neither musical arts nor academic research is enough to convince you, how about the effect, not only on workers, but on work? Eight years ago, an NPR piece, We’re Not Taking Enough Lunch Breaks. Why That’s Bad For Business, noted that only one in five people were stepping out of the office at lunchtime. The point wasn’t eating at work, but not stepping away from work. As we’ll see, that undermines our bodies, our minds, and the quality of the work we perform.


A break can be of varying durations for varying activities. How long does a break need to be to have a positive effect? That depends on the work you’re doing, how much energy it depletes, and the kind of break you’re taking.

How to Take Better Breaks at Work, According to Research from the Harvard Business Review, notes that shorter breaks can be effective but that the timing of breaks is also vital. For example, because fatigue intensifies as the day goes on, short (or at least shorter) breaks are more effective in the morning, but by late afternoon, longer breaks are necessary to yield positive results. 

So, what length breaks should we consider? 

20–20–20 Rule

This rule simply instructs that every twenty minutes of screen time, look away from the screen and focus on something at least twenty feet away for at least twenty seconds.

The 20–20–20 Rule is designed to prevent computer vision syndrome, particularly digitally-induced eye strain. Taking a break like this can also help reduce blurred vision, headaches, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain.

Eye Chart Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

Regular screen breaks of just one-third of a minute will give your baby blues (or browns or greens) much-needed rest, but maybe more. When something (like a phone alarm or alert on your screen telling you, “Look away! Look away!”) prompts you to take this momentary break for your vision, you’re likely to adjust more than your eyesight.

When you’ve been in flow, focused intently on what you’re reading on the screen, you’ve probably failed to pay attention to your posture (so you maybe slumped forward toward your screen) and your breathing. This super-quick break shakes everything loose.

Short Breaks 

A short break would be anything that takes less than 5 or ten minutes. Consider the break you might take when doing a series of Pomodoros, where you work for 25 minutes, then step away from the task at hand — and step away from your desk — to stretch, spend a few minutes on a puzzle, or play with your puppy.

Moderate Breaks

These are the kind we’ll be looking at in great detail over this post and the next one. There’s quite a bit of cross-over between the breaks that primarily help reset the body vs. the brain, but in broad strokes, these categories might include:

Breaks primarily for the body
  • Meal and snack breaks — Working through lunch is so bad for your physical and mental health that France outlawed eating at your desk all the way back in 1894! It’s called la pause déjeuner, and granted, it was for hygienic reasons, but now it’s recognized as good mental hygiene to step away to eat lunch mid-day and onboard some healthy(ish) snacks to energize the body, concentration, and focus. 
  • Nap breaks — Sure, not everyone is physically (or socially) able to take a power nap, but these mini-sleepytimes can pump up our energy and improve our ability to concentrate. In the US, this is more likely to be your jam if you work from home, unless your company has invested in nap pods, but there are many cultures where a nap break is considered part of the work day.
  • Walk breaks — Personally, nothing allows me to refresh my brain as well as getting my 10,000+ steps. While the prescription for 10K steps was made up by a Japanese pedometer company (and your personal peak number of steps depends on age and health), there’s something magical about pounding the pavement (or the lawn or the forest). Each successive step seems to clear mental fog; if I take a walk break when I’m facing a work problem (like how to tackle a blog post), the solution comes to me by the time my walk break is over.
  • Dance breaks — Pump up the jam! The advent of personal surround-sound means you can listen to music without Lloyd Dobbler standing outside your bedroom, hoisting a boom box playing “In Your Eyes” over his head. If you work alone, blast your tunes; otherwise, put on those Beats or Airpods, and play on your favorite song to make your own music video.

Find a conference room or classroom where nobody’s likely to disturb you, or head out behind the building, and shake your groove thang! Consider these suggestions for finding your go-do dance-along video:

Breaks primarily for the brain

Additionally, there are a variety of guided meditations on YouTube. For example:

Whether you aim for more formal guided meditations or gentle mindfulness activities like deep breathing, you’ll find that this kind of break can reduce your stress when you feel like you’re constantly tumbling <bleep>-over-teakettle.

  • Nature breaks — I’m probably the last person to think about communing with nature. I hate wind and rain and bugs and heat and the sound of frogs and crickets. I am generally an in-of-doors girl. But the Japanese practice of “forest bathing” (Shinrin-yoku) has been found to reduce blood pressure, alleviate depression, improve mental health, boost immune function, and more. Beyond that, getting away from your computer and focusing your eyeballs (and the rest of your sensory receptors) on something other than work will recharge the body and the brain, making the return to work more inviting.

And even I can find ways to enjoy nature! This past weekend, my friend and colleague Sara Skillen and I drove from our respective cities to meet at Sewanee — University of the South for lunch and a bit of a meander.

I love exploring college campus architecture, and we were both excited to walk the labyrinth in Abbo’s Alley, acres of campus with forest/woods, streams, stone bridges, a butterfly garden, gazebo, and other goodies. 

We spent over an hour in search of the labyrinth (not even shown in the calming video, above), ambling (and occasionally tripping) over tree roots and wobbly rocks. However, the combination of Sara’s stellar company, perfect temperatures, and the lack of bugs made our jaunt an ideal break from the typical workweek.

The intriguing thing is that taking a break to “touch grass” works even if you’re not walking or otherwise moving around enough to pump your blood; just sitting outside, even if your “outside” isn’t at all what most people would think of as “nature,” can still have a calming effect. 

  • Creativity breaks — Even if your workday involves creating, a creativity break can blow that layer of dust off of your mental capacity. You can’t usually step away from work to spend half a day creating, but you can blend your lunch break with some time for painting, drawing, playing a musical instrument, or journaling (by hand, if possible).
  • Appreciation breaks — Not every break requires producing something. Sometimes, when your brain is full of one thing, the solution is to fill it with something else, particularly something serene or delightful. Consider taking your lunch break at a nearby museum or art gallery, or just watch tiny humans playing in the park. Appreciate the elegance of ducks swimming on a pond or enjoy the colors and sounds of an open air market.
  • Social breaks — While reading social media has downsides, being social does not. I’m an extrovert, and there’s nothing that pumps me up more than taking a break to socialize. Of course, if you’re an introvert, you may not want to wade into loud, involved conversations with colleagues (or, heaven-forbid, strangers), because it may drain you of the mental energy you’re aiming to refresh. 

Whatever kind of break you take from daily work, select types of activities that will use different aspects of your brain than you were using to write reports, design web sites, study economics, etc. This allows the “part” of the brain that was overworked to rest and re-set. 

Full-Length Breaks: Vacations

I could (and probably should) write a post about the mental, physical, and productivity benefits for taking a long break, whether that’s a real weekend without looking at email or a two-week immersive vacation. Of course, not everyone gets paid vacation, but vacation-length breaks are essential to our health and vigor, which in turn, keep us productive, whether that means making the widgets to building society by raising a family (or, as is often the case, both).


When we take breaks throughout the workday, we reap the benefits of better overall physical and mental health, enhanced cognitive function, and improved job performance, all of which will improve our productivity. Let’s look at some of the key advantages of incorporating regular breaks in your work routine.

Enhanced Physical Health

When we incorporate any breaks in our day that involve physical activity or movement, whether it’s stretching, walking, or exercise, it contributes to improved physical health. We improve the blood circulation throughout our bodies (including to our brains!) while reducing the muscle tension that leads to headaches, body strain, and repetitive stress disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome.

We also prevent the various negative health effects of prolonged sedentary behavior. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “Sitting is the new smoking.” As I explained in Paper Doll on The Truth(s) About Standing Desks, it’s not that standing desks are that much better. Sitting is bad because when you sit all day, your telomeres (the tiny caps on the ends of DNA strands) get shorter, and the rate at which the body ages and decays speeds up. However, standing all day (like at a standing desk) isn’t necessary all that much better. What is important is movement, and you generally have to take a break from work to get moving! 

Walking Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash

Stress Reduction

Varying reports note that workplace-related stress affects up to 80% of American workers. That’s estimated to cost anywhere from $150 billion to $300 billion. That economy-busting stress isn’t going to disappear if we add a few extra breaks each day for mental clarity, but we can turn this around on a personal level.

Breaks in our workday give us the opportunity to reduce stress levels and alleviate the pressure of constantly being focused on work (and the related external expectations place on us). When we engage in any kind of activity that promotes relaxation, we can lower blood pressure (which is good for both the body and the psyche), improve mood, and enhance a sense of well-being. 

When we think about stress-reduction activities, we often focus on time-intensive tasks, like a yoga class or long hike, but short-term activities like mindfulness exercises, deep breathing, and brief walks (around the building or around the block) can have similar mental health benefits for reducing stress.

Take a Break Photo by Tara Winstead 

Increased Energy and Motivation

When we take breaks throughout the workday, the physical and mental health benefits described above will have a domino effect, knocking down (and out) other problems.

When we take stop what we’re working on to eat, nap, socialize, exercise, or just remove ourselves from hyper-focus on our work, we replenish our energy, both our physical capacity (with improved blood pressure and balanced blood glucose levels) but also our mental capacity.

Conversely, if we don’t take breaks, we’re more likely to suffer from burnout. A 2022 study from Aflac found that 59% of workers were experiencing burnout, and 86% of those reported experiencing anxiety, depression, and sleep difficulties in the prior year, so this is not a negligible concern.

Setting aside time for physical movement, relaxation, and self-care boosts our sense of well-being, which tops off our enthusiasm, and in turn, that improved motivation boosts our ability to perform and sustain our productivity. Whoohoo!

Improved Focus, Memory, Concentration

Contrary to our assumptions that we should always power through our work, our brains need novelty. Researchers at the University of Illinois found that the longer we focus on something, the more likely the occurrence of a “vigilance decrement,” where our “attentional resources” start to plummet. It’s like how we are aware of how cold the ocean is when we jump in, but the longer we’re exposed, the more we get used to it. Or, to use a clichéd metaphor, we’re the frog in the boiling water. 

Our brains respond to change, and the longer we go without change, the less efficient they are. Breaks don’t just rev us up; they help prevent the mental fatigue that sets in when we’ve tried to work too hard or too long. When we get lost in those mid-afternoon cobwebs, a break can enhance concentration, allowing the brain to rest and recharge.

Periods of mental rest, whether through mindfulness, activity, or sleep have the power to help us consolidate our memories and improve learning. And this is all as true for kids as for adults!

Short break periods jazz our bodies. We might imagine that a vigorous walk or dancing around to Taylor Swift would pump too much blood to our brains, making it hard to focus, but the opposite is true. Relaxation, whether it’s arrived at through calming activities like meditation or energizing ones like physical activity, will boost cognitive resources. In turn, it enables people to improve and maintain attention, allowing more effective and efficient focus on the work at hand!

Prevention of Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue occurs when we are faced with too many overwhelming choices without adequate rest, whether for our bodies or our brains. However, breaks can play a crucial role in preventing decision fatigue; just a short pause for the right kind of physical or mental stimulation and/or relaxation can reset cognitive resources.

When we have decision fatigue, we may make poor choices, or procrastinate on making any choices at all. Breaks can give us the resilience to make better decisions and maintain a higher level of productivity, using those decisions to move our projects forward.

Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving

We all know what it feels like when our brains get stale. We cease coming up with fresh takes (or even fresh words), which turns into a vicious cycle. If we’re not feeling creative and can’t solve our problems, we’re going to feel bored, unenthusiastic, and stressed out!

Taking breaks fosters divergent thinking and spikes creativity, so we can approach tasks from fresh perspectives. Just stepping away from work for a short time — and focusing on the right energy-boosting replacement tasks — can stimulate more innovative ideas and solutions, improving our problem-solving skills and pumping up our creative mojo.

Per the NPR piece I quoted earlier, Kimberly Elsbach (a Professor Emerita Fellow, Academy of Management University at the California Davis Graduate School of Management), an expert in workplace psychology, noted that never leaving your office or your desk is “…really detrimental to creative thinking. It’s also detrimental to doing that rumination that’s needed for ideas to percolate and gestate and allow a person to arrive at an ‘aha’ moment.” Aha, indeed!

It’s essential to recognize the positive impact of breaks on physical, mental, and emotional well-being so that we can remember to prioritize these pauses and integrate them into our daily work routines. This is key to us fostering balanced, productive approaches to taking on our responsibilities.

Not all breaks are created equal

Pausing work to scroll through social media won’t have the same benefits as the kinds of breaks discussed earlier in this post. First, everything from the death-grip on our phones to the poor posture of arching necks over screens to the blue light of cell phones is bad for physical health; plus, you’re likely to remain just as stationary as when you were working! Beyond that, social media rarely reflects the kind of psychologically neutral or uplifting content that boosts mood or cognition.

Similarly, smoke breaks aren’t good breaks. While they may yield some social benefit, data on smoking’s physical devastation on the body and brain is clear. Moreover, research finds that smokers have thinner cerebral cortex than non-smokers. (The cerebral cortex is essential for learning and memory, so thicker tissue is better.) Smoking reduces the ability to learn and remember, key requirements for productivity!


For further reading on the importance of breaks for health and productivity, you may wish to read:

Breaks During the Workday (Michigan State University)

Give Us a Break (Compass Group)

How to Take Better Breaks at Work, According to Research (Harvard Business Review)


In full disclosure, this post started out as a look at how other cultures embrace taking breaks as part of coping with excessive workloads. Instead, this is the prequel, a what-and-why for improving your vitality and productivity with breaks. Next week’s follow-up post, Take a Break for Productivity: the International Perspective is where the real fun will be, as we look at fun and tasty examples of “take a break” culture around the world. 

Spoilers: the Swedes take the cake (figuratively and literally) and first place when it comes to taking breaks!

Posted on: October 2nd, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 16 Comments

It’s Monday — the first Monday of a new month, of a new quarter, and the last quarter of the year. It may suddenly feel like a lot is riding on getting things crossed of your list so you can make those dreams come true before 2023 is in the rear-view mirror.


Back in May, in Frogs, Tomatoes, and Bees: Time Techniques to Get Things Done, we looked at a spate of productivity concepts for breaking down the hours of your (preferably time-blocked) day to effectively use your discretionary time (that is, the part of your schedule not determined by your boss, school, or firmly-scheduled obligations). We started with the essential elements of accomplishing things:

Knowing what to do — This involves a brain dump to capture every potential task stuck in your head, adding to it from everything in your various in-boxes and buckets (GTD-style), and creating a master list, whether that’s pen-on-paper or a task app.

Knowing what to do first — Prioritizing tasks involves a complex intersection of what is important and urgent. We shorthanded the process with the Eisenhower Matrix (which, as explained in Paper Doll Shares Presidential Wisdom on Productivity, wasn’t invented by the Ike we like, but was attributed to him due to a speech he gave and was made more famous by Stephen Covey).

The Eisenhower Matrix gives you the opportunity to (literally or just figuratively) graph each task from your massive brain-dumped list to identify where it falls along a continuum of importance and urgency. From January through mid-April, filing your taxes is important, but it only becomes more urgent as St. Patrick’s Day is behind you and April 15th draws nearer.

Conversely, this Friday’s registration date for an adult education class on French cooking has what appears to be an urgent task; however, if learning how to make Julia Child’s famed Boeuf Bourguignon isn’t that compelling and you were only doing it to please your mother-in-law, it may fall low on the importance scale.

Julia Child on KUHT/By KUHT via wikimedia commons

A big part of identifying the value of a task may involve looking at what your motivation is. You perform extrinsically-motivated behaviors in order to receive some external reward (or to avoid an external punishment). You might work at a job for a paycheck, work hard in a class to get the grades that allow you to get a scholarship, or make that Boeuf Bourguignon to keep the peace between family members (because it’s hard for people to snipe when their mouths are full).

Intrinsically-motivated behaviors are those that you do because they fulfill you personally. These include passion projects like volunteering, participating in hobbies and sports, or even simultaneously compelling but challenging life activities, like parenting. 

Sometimes, you may find yourself frustrated that the very things you value for your sanity-preserving self-care are less valued by society. (This is largely because, as we discussed in our series on toxic productivity, late-stage capitalism values producing work that yields revenue, generally for the people above you in the hierarchy. Sigh.)

Of course, the ideal is to find opportunities for extrinsically- and intrinsically-motivating behaviors to dovetail. When that happens, the things that are important are easier to accomplish because they give you personal fulfillment and extrinsic rewards.

Making something a high priority, per se, doesn’t ensure that you’ll do it, but if that task is important, not just for keeping you out of debtor’s prison but also making your heart sing, you’ll do it less begrudgingly, and if it’s urgent, you’ll find you’re less likely to procrastinate. 

You’re probably not going to find that your love of the game will allow you to become a professional pickleball player — more power to you if you do! — but you may find that by becoming more efficient and effective at your for-a-paycheck job will yield more free time to pursue a passion that could turn into a new livelihood.

Once you gauge your each task’s relative importance and urgency, you can move forward to knowing what to get done today (vs. delaying to later in the week), what you might delegate, and what you can hang it in the maybe/someday closet.

Do it! — The final piece of the puzzle involves making time to do what you’ve decided to accomplish.


Back in that post I referenced, Frogs, Tomatoes, and Bees: Time Techniques to Get Things Done, I reviewed well-known and lesser techniques for hunkering down and getting tasks done. I encourage you to read the prior post for details of the methods you find less familiar, but in general, the post reviewed:

Pomodoro Timer by Michael Mayer CC By 2.0 Deed

  • The Pomodoro Technique — At its most basic, the process involves identifying a task to work on now, setting a timer for 25 minutes, focusing on that task for 25 minutes without interruption, and taking a short break. Proponents believe it short-circuits procrastination but detractors note that it prevents getting into a flow state.
  • Tocks — This variation on the Pomodoro Technique involves working 45 minutes rather than 25, and adds the step of taking note of distractions as they arise for later analysis.
  • The 90-Minute Focus Block — Here, the work blocks expand to 90 minutes and the breaks extend to 20. The expanded time frame is based on research in neurobiology and how our brains use potassium and sodium ions to conduct electrical signals indicates a biological component to our ability to effectively focus.
  • 52/17 Method — Splitting the difference between the traditional Pomodoro and the 90-Minute Focus Block, this accents 52-minute sprints of dedicated and intense work followed by mentally-refreshing breaks. It’s backed by behavioral analysis rather than neurobiology. 
  • The Flowtime Technique — This method starts like all of the others, with uninterrupted work sessions, but instead of ceasing at the behest of an alarm or other external force, you work until you start to feel distracted or mentally or physically fatigued. While this method involves a lot of administrative work for logging both distractions and statistics regarding work patterns, it’s probably the most ideal for creative endeavors, as you ignore the clock and embrace the flow.

These methods work in concert with the principles we’ve discussed regarding time blocking, particularly from these two posts:

Struggling To Get Things Done? Paper Doll’s Advice & The Task Management & Time Blocking Virtual Summit 2022

Highlights from the 2023 Task Management & Time Blocking Summit

Putting it all together, you figure out what you need to do (overall), identify your priorities, and block your time to ensure ample space in your schedule for accomplishing tasks. Then you get to it!


All of the above is great for once you get your butt in the chair and have identified a specific task, but let’s face it, getting to that point? It’s a lot.

If you work in an environment where most of your daily schedule can be firmly set in stone (or bytes) with very little to distract you, you’re lucky. But most people experience a multitude of interruptions from co-workers and bosses and tiny humans and senior parents (whether they have physical challenges or just need tech support). Others are dealing with mental and physical health crises and have limited spoons (that is, energy and capacity) to get through the day, let alone accomplish prioritized tasks.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, there’s a productivity principle that can help you get a foothold when things feel like their going off the rails.

It’s called the Rule of 3

At its most basic, the Rule of 3 asks you to apply your focused attention, intentionally, to three goals or main tasks for a specific time frame. Generally, and the way we’re going to examine it, that time frame is a day, but you could apply it to a week (or a four-day conference, or a working weekend) or whatever period of time you need.

The key is that you are concentrating on a small number of crucial tasks to maximize your focus, your effectiveness, and your overall productivity. The steps are simple:

Identify three key tasks. 

When you plan your day, identify the three most important goals or tasks that you want to accomplish. These may all be work tasks, or they could be a combination: one key work task, one goal item for your family, and one for self-care.

1, 2, 3 Photo by Magda Ehlers

These three should be whatever you think will have the most significant impact on your personal projects, your work projects, or whatever matters the most to you.

And obviously these aren’t the only three things you’re going to get done in a day. You’re not going to skip processing email or picking your kid up from Drama Club or brushing your teeth. We ALL do more than three things in the day. But the Rule of 3 says:

Whatever else I’m doing today, I am absolutely focusing my time and attention to


We’ve already talked at length about the value of the Eisenhower Matrix in prioritizing, and that’s a great place to start, but there are other concepts to help you pick your three key tasks.

Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. We’ve all had days where we fiddled around and didn’t start working on “the thing” until just about the time we knew we had to being in order to finish on time.

But imagine not doing that. Imagine getting the thing done. And then the next thing. And one more. Imagine not taking all the time available and just taking the time necessary. 

Limiting yourself to three tasks creates a sense of urgency. If you recognize that to honor your obligation to yourself, you will focus on achieving the three key tasks, you cut procrastination off at the pass. No fiddling.

Next, experts in cognitive psychology have found that we generally have limited attention and cognitive resources. We get tired. We get bored. We get distracted. We get antsy. We get hangry. By narrowing your focus to a small number of tasks, you are able allocate your attention and mental energy more effectively, which aligns with the Rule of 3’s idea of prioritization.

Finally, Hick’s Law is a psychological principle that says that the time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices. Once you limit your choices for the day to just three key tasks, you are reducing the signal-to-noise ratio and the decision-making complexity. The less you must think about doing, the more you can focus on the task at hand. (And remember, you can always do more of your important (and urgent) things once you’ve done your big three!) 

Commit to each of the three priorities and focus.

OK, yes, you still have three things, and you’ll have to decide which of these to do first, and second, and third. You’ll have to figure out into which time block you’ll slot each item. And then you’ll have to blur out two of them while you focus on a third.

In theory, the Rule of 3 calls on you to focus your energy and attention on completing these tasks before moving on to less critical or lower-priority activities. And obviously it discourages multitasking and giving into distractions while working toward finishing the key goals. You can use any of the focused work-session techniques listed up above once you sit down to focus on the task, but before you can focus on the tasks, you have to commit to them, to the idea that you WILL do these three key tasks today.

OK, let’s step back.

Paper Doll recognizes the need for a reality check. You will not always be able to tackle all three key tasks first before getting on with your day unless your efforts do not require the involvement of other human beings (whether tiny humans or large egos).

For example, last Friday, my car was finally ready for pickup. It’s been a long two months since it was stolen, recovered, and had to go through many, many repairs. (For reference, Organize to Prevent (or Recover From) a Car Theft tells the initial tale; everything since has been a nightmare of dropped balls, global supply chain failures, and random poopyheads.) But I also wanted to get my flu shot and had two essential financial tasks.

The car issue was actually a series of interlocking tasks. I had to confirm the specifics with the body shop, and wanted to view and approve all the work before paying my deductible and returning the rental car, which involved more phone calls and scheduling, and I needed to approve the last round of digital insurance payments.

The car goal was both important and urgent, as I didn’t want to be charged for further days of the rental car, and frankly, I missed my adorable red Kia Soul as if it were a child away at summer camp for far too long. But while most of the car’s mechanical and body work were completed, there were a few painting-related flaws, and a review of the final no-longer-estimated estimate yielded lots of new questions. However, by staying single-minded on the task and not being distracted by calls, texts, and emails, it eventually got done, and I felt an immense sense of relief and completing this key task for my day.

Getting my flu shot involved confirming that my pharmacy had the flu vaccine and that no appointment was necessary. (Last year, appointments were required and only given on certain days of the week, which often conflicted with my client schedule.) And the bank tasks, though easy, were dependent in part on the arrival of the mail, and the fill-in postal carrier did not deliver the mail until close to 6 p.m.

Celebrate your wins! 

Being successful with the Rule of 3 means acknowledging completion of the task and feeling satisfaction. Far too often, we rush through what we must do without celebrating that we’ve actually done it. However, taking the time to celebrate wins improves your confidence, boosts your motivation, and will make it easier to approach other tasks (especially long-avoided ones) with verve.

For a sense of psychological benefit of this step in completing key tasks (particularly those we might define as “adulting,”) I direct you to Hazel Thornton’s recent post, High Five Friday. She explores turning this celebration of completion of key tasks from a solitary act into a social one, and as I’ve watched people follow Hazel’s lead, the evident delight people experience is palpable!

Re-evaluate, or Lather/Rinse/Repeat: The “What’s Next?” Step.

OK, so you figured out what to do, did it, and gave yourself an atta-girl or atta-boy. Now review the process. Evaluate your progress to determine the big question: what’s next?

(Fans of The West Wing recognize the power of those two words. Lin-Manuel Miranda created this video for the late, great The West Wing Weekly podcast. There are two profanities within (at :50 and 1:04), so please be forewarned.)

This is the time to evaluate your progress (and your process for getting there). Determine the next three most important tasks to focus on, whether that’s for the remainder of today, or for tomorrow, or your next key time period.

You’re creating a continuing cycle of identifying key tasks, prioritizing them, completing them, doing a happy dance and high-fiving yourself, and reevaluating what worked and what didn’t. All of this is designed to help you maintain a higher level of the good, non-toxic kind of productivity that keeps you aligned with your ultimate goals.

Why does the Rule of 3 work?

First, it’s simple, so you may actually try it. Everyone loves a new productivity technique, but the more working parts, the less likely you will be to do more than think about using it.

Second, three is a magic number.

Whether it’s “lions and tigers and bears” or “faith, hope, and charity” or if you’ve been hearing a lot about the Roman Empire lately, “friends, Romans, countrymen.” It’s easy to keep three daily priorities in your head, so if you check in with yourself at lunchtime or mid-afternoon to see how you’re doing on your goals, you can mentally measure your progress in seconds.

Finally, and most importantly, the Rule of 3 is an effective approach because it prevents the overwhelm and decision fatigue that often results from having a long, fiddly, and overwhelming to-do list.

The Rule of 3 is an effective approach because it prevents the overwhelm and decision fatigue that often results from having a long, fiddly, and overwhelming to-do list. Share on X

Narrowing your focus to just three tasks sets you up to more efficiently allocate your time and energy, so you can accomplish more meaningful things. Again, this may be work, but could be personal enrichment or self-care. Completing a project for work may be important, but exercising and having essential medical appointments and living a fulfilled life are of inestimable importance and urgency. In other words, you matter. Paper Doll says so!


As with any productivity concept, the Rule of 3 is a only guideline. There is no “boss” of the Rule of 3 in the same way that practitioners of GTD look to David Allen; indeed, I’ve done extensive research and have yet to find an originator. I originally read about the Rule of 3 almost ten years ago in Chris Bailey‘s The Productivity Project: Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy.


Bailey, in turn, learned of it from J D Meier in his book, Getting Results the Agile Way.

I strongly believe that the “rules” in productivity only exist to give us lanes to follow. Stick to the rules until you identify ways you can modify them to more effectively support you. Then head off-road. Do you, boo!

You may choose to use the Rule of 3 daily, or only on work days. Perhaps you’ll find you only need it when life gets overwhelming, or when you’re counting down days to vacation and have to focus on what allows you to actually get out of Dodge and get to someplace sun-drenched.

However you apply it, the key concept is that you’re going to maintain a balance between setting ambitious goals and being realistic about what you can accomplish within a specific timeframe with your entirely human, non-robot, body.

For Further Exploration

If you’d like to read more about the Rule of 3, consider the following:

Get More Done With the Rule of 3 (The Art of Manliness)

How to Use the Rule of 3 to Get More Done and Regain Control of your Day (The Ladders)

The Rule Of Three: A Productivity Hack to Achieve Your Goals Right Now (Dan Silvestre)

If you focused on just three things today, what would they be? 

Posted on: September 11th, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 22 Comments

Are you feeling stuck? When you flipped the calendar to the new month and realized how close we are to the end of summer, and even the end of the year, were you struck by a gnawing feeling that you’ve been mired in the same place for too long?

Are your New Year’s resolutions the same every year? Do you make the same wishes, have the same complaints, and feel like you’re Groundhog Day-ing it through life?

At the end of May, in Organize Your Summer So It Doesn’t Disappear So Quickly, we talked about how the lack of structure, novelty, and sensory clues for the passage of time (along with lack of self-care and an excess of technology) can make us sluggish. We may keep doing the same things, over and over. We may not notice that sometimes we are very efficiently doing the wrong things.

Perhaps it’s time to stop doing some things, start doing other things differently, and to take bold strides on other things altogether.

Although most people think of professional organizers in terms of their possessions, I usually talk about how I help people manager their stuff. Stuff is more complex than just possessions. Your stuff may be what’s piled up on your desk or precariously balanced on your kitchen counter or squished into your closet. 

Alternatively, the stuff causing you overwhelm may be the excess in your schedule rather than your space. The temporal, rather than the tangible, can also weigh you down.

However, it’s possible to be crowded out of your enjoyment of life by other than too much in your space and schedule. You could have so much going on in your brain that you can’t  accomplish what you want.

The stuff in your head could be ADHD. It might be anxiety or clinical depression. And it certainly could be fear. In fact, several years ago, in Paper Doll Talks With Smead About Fear & Disorganization, I shared how fear holds us back.

Too much, or at least too much of what doesn’t serve you, can keep you from moving forward, from taking leaps. Today, we’re going to look at how to get out of a rut and then consider taking bold leaps forward.


Investigate Your Life 

Pull on your Sherlock Holmes deerstalker hat, twirl your Hercule Poirot mustache, jump in your Nancy Drew blue roadster, and think about what’s feeling stuck in your life. Let’s start by identifying the symptoms of being in a rut.

Have you lost your enthusiasm? If you can’t pinpoint obvious reasons (lack of recuperative sleep, diagnosed depression, a bed that’s just too comfy) for not wanting to get out of bed, you may be in a rut.

When someone asks you what you want —  what to do, what (or where) to eat, or where to go, whether for the afternoon or for a holiday — do you mentally check out? Sometimes, when you’re in a rut, you can’t even imagine different ways of doing things.

You’re not broken. You’re probably in a rut.

The next step is to figure out why? Is it you, or is it what’s in your space, your schedule, or your head (that shouldn’t be) or what’s not there that should be? Understanding the root cause is essential.

It is too much of something? Is there clutter that’s keeping you from entertaining in your space or feeling relaxed enough in your home to pursue your activities? It may be obvious, as this is an organizing blog, but check your space for excess. Are you in a rut physically because you always have to move things off the counter to reach the microwave, or pull suitcases out of the closet to get to your clothes?

Do you have too many activities filling up your schedule? I don’t just mean work-related, though too many Zooms or in-person meetings can wear you down. Maybe your kids are signed up for so many after-school activities, which means you’re constantly schlepping them to-and-fro. Maybe you’ve been in the same clubs with the same people for what seems like forever.

Have you outgrown the life you’re leading? I’m not suggesting you need to take the 10:25 to Reno and leave your job and family behind. But there may be aspects of your life that no longer fit, like a too-small pair of jeans that makes you feel like you can’t really breathe.

It’s possible that you’ve grown out of the things you’ve collected. When my sister was in college, she had a few small elephant-themed items, and soon it became habitual for people to give her elephants in the form of earrings and knickknacks and stuffed animals. Somewhere after a few decades, I noticed that she wasn’t displaying the elephants. She was over the elephants.

And again, you may have things in your schedule that don’t serve the person you are, or the person you want to be. You calendar might not be overloaded, but the things in your calendar may no longer be giving you joy. Are you going to that book club because you’ve always gone or because you love the books and the people? (If you’re going just because you love the cheese plate, be assured that you really can buy that yummy cheese and eat it all yourself.) 

Cheese board photo by Andra C Taylor Jr on Unsplash

Track the Clues: Routine or Rut?

If, while playing detective, you find it hard to actually detect what’s wrong, you may need to get more granular. Pick a random week (or start with a day if a week seems overwhelming) and take note of what you do and how your week (or day) flows.

  • Are there things you do the same way, over and over?
  • Does each day’s schedule blend into the next?
  • Do you have trouble differentiating between the average Monday and the average Thursday? (Does every day feel “average?”) 

You may be thinking, “But Paper Doll, I have a routine! Isn’t the best way to make sure everything gets done to have a routine?”


But also no, not always.

Routines and ruts are related concepts, but they have distinct differences:

A routine is a planned and organized set of tasks or activities that you regularly follow. Your laundry routine makes sure that you don’t have to send your tiny humans to school in Wonder Woman bathing suits under their clothes. Your morning routine gives you the centering, mindful energy, nutrition, and caffeine to keep you from smacking your annoying co-workers with a keyboard.

You design your routines to help you manage your time, reduce stress, and increase efficiency.

Conversely, a rut is a stagnant pattern, one that makes you feel unmotivated or unfulfilled. When you’re in a rut, you may find yourself going through the motions without any sense of intentionality. You’re doing what you’ve always done, getting what you always got. (The longer you’re in a rut, perhaps the less you get back?)

A routine is a deliberate; you structure the sequence of actions and schedule them to create a order in your life. A routine empowers you. By contrast, the stagnant nature of a rut — because you are no longer deliberately evaluating the success and productivity of the routine but just mindlessly abiding by it — may leave you feeling unfulfilled at best, and trapped at worst.

Ruts may occur in our diets, our personal activities, our careers, or our relationships. While Woody Allen isn’t exactly a favored source of inspiration these days, the movie Annie Hall has an apt quote. 

While routines can be healthy and productive, ruts are usually associated with a lack of progress and satisfaction in life. We often consider “improvement” to be the key sign of progress, but in some cases, breadth, depth, or variety may also be evidence of progress.

Putting it all together, a routine helps you achieve a groove. But sometimes, treading that same ground, over and over, turns a groove into a rut.

The Magic of Intentionality

Once you see where your life is lacking progress, variety, or fulfillment, you can achieve more of what you want by intentionally making changes in various ways:

  • SubtractLook at what’s blocking your energy and take those obstacles away. If you’re not doing your workout because there’s junk piled up in your workout room, use all the resources we often talk about to sort, clear the clutter, move things to more logical homes, and/or donate, sell, or discard what no longer fits your life.

If there are activities that no longer float your boat, jump overboard. You might have to relinquish responsibilities and it could momentarily inconvenience others to have to find someone to handle the role you’ve done uncomplainingly for far too long. That’s OK.

Offer to help your replacement with the transition, but stand firm on letting go of tasks that don’t nourish you personally or professionally.

  • Add — If you’re in a rut, just taking things away probably won’t solve all of your problems.

Having more empty space may mean you don’t have as much housework to do, or it could make you uncomfortable. If you finally eject all of your ex’s stuff from the house, the emptiness may make your space, and even your life, feel cold or lacking. Mindfully consider what you might enjoy having in your space.

Similarly, emptying your schedule of undesirable obligations may not be enough. Having all that extra time may initially make your life feel empty. You needn’t fill every moment all over again with different activities, but do open your mind to exploring what you may have not realized you were missing.

Start by adding self-care activities to slowly fill up a small number of those relinquished schedule slots. Remember to make time for sleep, mindfulness or meditation, exercise, nutrition, and uplifting social relationships. Feed your body and your mind to jump out of that rut.

Daydream and allow for possibilities you never previously considered. Just because you never considered yourself artistic or creative before doesn’t mean you might not explore a painting class or community theater. Maybe you’ll try to acquire new skills or knowledge relevant to your goals, but remember that personal fulfillment or enjoyment is a good enough reason to have new experiences.

Not everything is about productivity. Let joy be enough.

  • Prioritize — Once you know the negative effects of the rut you were in and have considered how you want to replace (or enjoy the absence of) the tangible, temporal, and cognitive clutter you had before, figure out what’s most important to you.

Do you want to work on your body? Your spiritual well-being? Your professional development? Do you want to taking dance lessons or spend more time reading? 

Spend some time writing down everything that was missing from your life when you were in a rut, and what you want to experience instead. Then pick your top two priorities.

Why two? If you are working on just one priority, and achieve it, turning to the next on your list will make you feel like you are starting from scratch, which can be demotivating. Focusing on one priority, but having a backup that gets a little attention, means you always have an proactive alternative to consider when you need a pause

Why only two? Focusing on changing more than two areas of your life simultaneously usually leads to overwhelm. The goal is to lighten your life, not weigh you down.

  • Break it down — Once you figure out what you want, figure out what gets you there.

Let’s say your rut was dietary. No matter how much you love tacos, having Taco Tuesday every week, with no change in the ingredients or dining companions or cooking responsibilities can be a bit much. Break your proposed life changes down into small steps and reconsider everything.

Maybe your spouse will cook more often; perhaps your family will experiment with group meal planning and grocery delivery, eliminating Thursday shopping trips (and the need for a babysitter).

  • Reinvigorate your routines — Remember what we said about the difference between ruts and routines. It’s OK to have routines; just be intentional about them. 

Getting out of a rut doesn’t mean abandoning all structure from your life and schedule. It doesn’t mean never cleaning the bathroom; it does mean giving yourself permission to delegate the task your teenager (either as a life lesson or in return for car privileges) or hire a cleaner.

It doesn’t mean never taking your kids to their activities, but it does mean exploring the alternatives — trading off with your co-parent, with other kids’ parents, or (if your kids are old enough) arranging for a car service — so the time you spend going to your children’s activities are more often related to seeing or participating in those activities (as a supportive audience or coach) because you are now more fulfilled.

Use the time management skills you’ve learned from this blog and elsewhere to use the Eisenhower Matrix to put more of your attention on tasks with high importance and/or high urgency and reject or lessen the things with lesser value to your life.

  • Replace the bad stuff with good stuff — This is a follow-up on the advice to add and subtract. If you were in a nutrition rut, you might eliminate the purchase of empty calorie foods. If your life has been filled with the equivalent of empty calories, eliminate the distractions of app notifications, clutter in your workspace, and interruptions from people and relationships that don’t fit your greater good.
  • Stay flexible — If you’ve been in a rut for a long time, empty space (in your home, your schedule, or your mind) may feel scary. You could be tempted to create lots of new routines with just as little flexibility as before, and you’ll find yourself worn down again. Leave yourself open to adapt to new possibilities. Nobody gets out of a rut overnight. Have patience with yourself.
  • Welcome support — Reach out to supportive friends or family for help brainstorming, noticing habits, or seeing new pathways. Professional organizers and productivity coaches can help you find new ways to make changes in your space, schedule, or thoughts. If you’ve been weighed down by more problematic thoughts or feelings, consider how a therapist can provide valuable perspective, guidance, and support. You’re not alone.

For more on excaping a rut:

You 2.0: How to Break Out of a Rut (Hidden Brain podcast)

How to Get Out of a Rut in 8 Steps (Master Class article)

How To Get Out of a Mental Rut, According To Psychologists (Well+Good article)

Getting Off the Treadmill: Six Ways to Break Out of a Rut ( article)

Finally, and especially as we’re approaching the Jewish New Year at the end of this week, I encourage you to revisit Organizing A Fresh Start: Catalysts for Success for motivation and support.


The opposite of a rut can be a leap.

Sunset Leap by Kid Circus on Unsplash

Once we figure out what to stop doing, and start examining what we’re going to do differently, we give ourselves permission to think on a grander scale.

We have lots of reasons why we don’t take leaps, and they are similar to why we stay in ruts. Why make waves? Why risk new problems? We generally step back from taking leaps because of fear, and those fears may or may not be warranted, but they definitely keep us in limbo, wanting but never trying.

I’m a cautious person by nature. I suspect that’s true of many professional organizers. We’d rather prevent problems than have to fix them, even though our arsenal of skills helps us do both.

In college, I never took Italian because I feared doing damage to my GPA, and I was a decade out of graduate school before I realized that never once after I left academia did anyone, ever, ask about my GPA. Studying Italian these five years has brought joy to my life; my only regret is that my introduction came from the cartoon characters in Duolingo and not the the professors and fellow students at Cornell 35 years earlier.

There’s no wrong time to take a leap. There are certainly wrong ways. Selling your wares for magic beans isn’t smart; giving up your well-paying career to become a professional surfer when you’ve lived your entire life in Iowa probably won’t yield a secure life. But I’d like to share the advice on leap-taking I’ve gleaned from a few articles I’ve read lately.

Regrets, I’ve Had a Few

In Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda: The Haunting Regret of Failing Our Ideal Selves, the author looks at the published research of Cornell University professor Tom Gilovich and former grad student Shai Davidai in The Ideal Road Not Taken: The Self-Discrepancies Involved in People’s Most Enduring Regrets.

They identfied three elements of our sense of self, the:

  • actual self — the attributes a person believes they possess.
  • ideal self — the attributes people would ideally like to possess (including their “hopes, goals, aspirations or wishes”)
  • ought self — what a person feels they should have been, based on duties, obligations and responsibilities. 

Through six experiments, Gilovich and Davidai looked at two areas of discrepancy — what they call ought-related regrets and ideal-related regrets.

When people look back at their lives, they cope fairly well with any discrepancy between what they thought they ought to have done, in terms of duties and responsibilities, and what they actually did. Basically, we forgive ourselves when we feel like we ought to have dieted and exercised, we ought to have been more attentive to our studies, or we ought to have been better at managing our money.

Conversely, when we fail to take actions that could allow us to become our ideal selves, those regrets remain unresolved; we don’t get over our failure to act to become whomever we might have been.

Most tellingly, Gilovich said, “In the short term, people regret their actions more than inactions, but in the long term, the inaction regrets stick around longer.” 

This brings to mind two of my favorite quotes:

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”  ~ George Eliot 

It is never too late to be what you might have been.  ~ George Eliot Share on X

“The life you have led doesn’t need to be the only life you have.”  ~  Anna Quindlen

The life you have led doesn't need to be the only life you have.  ~  Anna Quindlen Share on X

Risky Business

Do You Rarely Take Risks? Maybe it’s Time You Do, talks about how mindful risk-taking can be extremely rewarding. As we age, we’re more likely to settle into our comfort zone, and that coziness of comfort zone can easily leave us mired in a rut.

The article shares the advice of clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly, who warns that as we age, we tend to turn more toward fixed mindsets than growth mindsets, narrowing the new opportunities we give ourselves. Manly advises that we first work to be conscious of the fact that we’re prone to lock down, which enables us to be aware of our fear and then deal with the related discomfort. 

Manly argues in favor of acknowledging our discomfort but choosing risks that we find compelling. They don’t have to be big risks; the “riskiness” might be as small as ending up with a meal you don’t love as much what you usually order. But organizing your life to experience things that are new, different, and outside of your comfort zone increases the chance that you will increase the size of your comfort zone!

Respect Yourself. Don’t Reject Yourself.

One of the best things I’ve read lately related to taking leaps came from this article from Ness Labs entitled Turning Fear of Failure Into Increments of Curiosity.

So often, when we fail to take a leap, we do it out of fear of failure, particularly the fear of others judging us, especially if we fail.

The focus of this excellent piece is that we should approach bold strides as if we were scientists. The scientific method says, “Hey, let’s try this and see if it turns out the way we expect.” And if it doesn’t? Science says, “That’s cool, too! Because now we know!”

The article recommends making small moves and iterating again and again, creating bigger growth loops. It’s a short piece, and I recommend reading at least the end, where the author walks through the steps of an intentional life experiment for getting past the fears that keep us all from moving forward.

But my favorite part of the piece was near the beginning. The author, Anne-Laure Le Cunff, recalls being ill at ease about applying to a selective academic program abroad; she feared she would not be accepted. Le Cunff’s mother noted, “It’s not your decision to make.”

This was a “wow” for me. When we hesitate to take action out of fear that we will not win, or be accepted, or hired, or loved, we are taking the opportunity to reject or accept us out of the hands of the panel or the company or the person whose decision it should rightfully be.

The Big Leap — It’s Your Decision

Nobody can make the decision for you as to whether you will make bold strides, or when, or how.

The following short film examines a dilemma at the top of a ten-meter diving tower: to leap or to risk the embarrassment of climbing all the way back down. I think you’ll find it worth the price of admission. (Note: Almost all of the dialogue is in Swedish with English subtitles, but there are a few English profanities. Consider yourself forewarned.)

Fortune favors the bold, or so goes an ancient Latin proverb. Would you leap?

Posted on: June 19th, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 14 Comments

Most of time, we organize so that we can find what we need, when we need it, so we can zip along to the next thing on our list, lickety-split, so we have more time to get more done.

For most of our days, our weeks, our our lives, we zoom along like video game characters, basically PacMan eating up the dots, just trying to get to the next point in our lives. There are periods where we never feel like we have enough time.

(This video is 12 minutes. Please don’t feel obligated to watch more than a few seconds.)

Of course, there are also slow times, whether in business or in life. They fall during the chasm between Christmas and the New Year, surround long holiday weekends, and make up those lazy, hazy days of summer.

Sometimes, the days are slow because the kids have just started back to school but the rush and hubbub of after-school activities have yet to start; other times, we’ve slowed down because we’re recuperating from illness, and while too strong to take to our beds, we’re too fuzzy-headed to tackle a Zoom call. We don’t often get to pick when it’ll be slow, but slow times do come.

In fact, things might be slow for you right now. Perhaps your department just delivered a big project and is in a “pending” mode until it’s clear what the clients thing. Maybe you work for a company with a big European contingent and they start slowing down as the summer approaches (and pretty much shut down altogether in August), so there’s less (or no) urgent work. On the homefront, maybe maybe your kids are out of school and haven’t started all the activities to which you need to schlep them, like camp or summer classes.

The point is, if you’ve got a quiet slot right now (or one coming up), you’ve got three options: Freak out, give in, or find the middle path.


If you ever feel stressed about the prospect of having too much time, chances are good that you’ve gotten yourself deep into a sense of toxic productivity, a situation where you believe your value is tied to what you create, produce, or accomplish.

If that’s the case — if your friends are always telling you that you work too hard and your family (or even your manager) is pushing you to take vacation — then that’s exactly what you should do. Vacate! Take real vacation, one without email or social media, one away from your home and work obligations, and go where you can just soak up the sun and your surroundings.

So, if you’re agitated by the idea of having a slow period, put in your time-off request. Tell your bestie or your significant other to start planning a getaway. And read (or re-read) last year’s series on toxic productivity with a real accent on the essential cognitive flips (in part 2) and actionable tasks (in parts 3 and 4) that can transform your life into a more balanced, serene experience.

Toxic Productivity In the Workplace and What Comes Next

Toxic Productivity Part 2: How to Change Your Mindset

Toxic Productivity Part 3: Get Off the To-Do List Hamster Wheel 

Toxic Productivity, Part 4: Find the Flip Side of Productivity Hacks

Toxic Productivity Part 5: Technology and a Hungry Ghost


Maybe you are as burned out as the J9 toast in the grid below.

If you just made it to the end of the school year with one last nerve intact, you might feel like you have run a gauntlet. While we often talk about end-of-the-year stress and how people’s lives are overloaded from Thanksgiving up through the New Year, springtime can tip the scales as well. While introverts may be able to cocoon in winter, everyone’s expected to get more sociable as the weather gets warmer. Then there’s the stress of tax time. And, as always, there’s work.

So, if you’ve got the opportunity to veg out, sleep until mid-day on the weekends, and scroll your phone until bedtime, you might be tempted to do so.

The problem? Your summer will be over before you know it with nothing to show for it except a possibly shorter to-be-read pile (nothing wrong with that) and a tan line. Before you give in to giving in, take another look at my post Organize Your Summer So It Doesn’t Disappear So Quickly.

I’m not saying you have to set summer goals, but consider taking some time out to consider whether you want to accomplish something (anything) with your summer, and then absorb the advice in that post to move yourself along.


The following suggestions aren’t designed to make you feel like you have to do more — again, we’re not aiming to generate toxic productivity. Do less of the things that wear you down. For example, embrace meals where you can toss fresh or pre-cooked items into one big bowl drizzled with a nice vinaigrette. Eat more cold things on these hot days and feel refreshed. The more time you spend outside, the less mess to be made inside the house, and the less housework there will be!

The following ideas are things you can do during the slow periods so that when work or life ramps up later, you’ll feel more enthusiastic and supported. Let’s look at how you can organize your heart, your head, and your hands.

Organize Your Heart — Show Gratitude

I’m not talking about writing the thank you notes after you get holiday or birthday gifts. (Though, if you owe those, send them now and you’ll feel like you’ve made a huge accomplishment with little effort). Get a cute box of note cards and a stack of nifty stamps from the post office, and the next time somebody does something you appreciate, dash off just a few lines. You’d be amazed what a real piece of mail in the mailbox can do for someone else’s mood and how that delight can spread from person to person. (Be the butterfly!) 

Praise and tag the author of the book you just read on social media, and leave kudos on GoodReads.

Email praise and CC: the supervisors of service providers or colleagues who go above and beyond.

Leave glowing online reviews for the companies and workers who’ve done an excellent job; your praise helps others find them.

Promote the podcasts and blog posts of the friends and colleagues who have promoted things you’ve created — and even the ones who haven’t.

Start, and keep up with, a gratitude journal, whether on paper or digitally.

There’s an abundance of research that indicates that showing gratitude helps us improve our mental and physical health. Actions related to showing gratitude release oxytocin, a hormone associated with positive emotions.

When life is going at full-tilt, you might not feel like you have the time to incorporate gratitude into every day, but if you do it in tiny fits and starts during slow periods (like summer), it will become natural and benefit you (and the beneficiaries of your gratitude) all year long. For more ideas, consider registering for Mayo Clinic’s free, virtual Discover Gratitude program.

Organize Your Head — Use Your Slow Time to Learn

I’m surprised I hear, “How did you know that?” from everyone from clients to Paper Mommy, and I’m always perplexed. Certainly, some flotsam and jetsam in my brain gets there by unknown travels, but usually, it’s because I’ve chosen to focus on a topic and read different approaches.

Most often, it’s not about learning a fact, but about understanding how thing interrelate, and I find that the point at which you have read just enough about a subject such that your brain goes, “Oh, right, I know that, and next they’re going to say…” is the point at which you know enough that you could explain the subject to someone else. That’s when you know things sufficiently.

Pick a topic. Google it. (If it’s a fast-paced topic in the news, use the “Tools” button to select only things written in the last year, month, or week.) See if there’s a Wikipedia entry. Ask ChatGPT to tell you the basics (but understand that it’s experimental and only has information from prior to mid-2021). 

Every time another blogger or journalist mentions a book or an expert, write down the title or name. Then get library books on the topic, so you haven’t added to your permanent clutter unless you find the resource useful.

Take advantage of online learning resources. If you want to learn science, history, or literature, jump into the amazing array of offerings at Crash Course‘s YouTube channel. (The World History course units are captivating, but if you prefer anything from botany to business, economics to linguistics, there’s something for you.)

You can learn to code for free at Codecademy or get ahead in the math, science, arts, and humanities your kids will be learning next year by visiting Khan Academy. And, of course, there are always podcasts and TEDTalks.

And all the while, capture your understanding in notes. Keep a notebook or use Evernote, but log the main concepts, the things that aren’t obvious. Whether you’re trying to learn a particular technological tool, or an aspect of history, or a technique for your profession, writing down what you’ve learned will help cement the finer points. Keep a learning journal!

The point is, there’s always the excuse that we don’t have enough time. But if things are (or get) slow, having these kinds of activities in your back pocket will allow you to be intentional with your newly available time.

Organize Your Hands — Tidy Your Tech

OK, technology isn’t actually your hand, but your tech is never far from your hands, whether it’s a phone in your palm or a keyboard under your fingertips. So much of your life is spent dealing with the clutter of these technological giants.

When work is slow, it’s a great opportunity to tackle organizing tasks that often get overlooked during busier periods. Whether you’ve got a quiet two hours while the rest of the afternoon yawns ahead of you or just keep finding pockets of time, the slow bits of your life are the perfect moments to clear out the aspects of your technology that normally slow you down.

Do one or more of these tasks in a chunk of time, or take five minutes when the phone isn’t ringing; it’s up to you!

Clear out your email inbox. 

Mail App photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash  

Do a search in your inbox for “unsubscribe” (sometimes it’s written in white on white, serving as invisible ink to keep you from saying goodbye) and unsubscribe from anything you find yourself never reading.

Create homes for emails. Set up a simple hierarchy of subfolders with names of major projects, client names, etc. Having a place for emails to safely, dependably live will encourage you to manually or automatically route necessary them out of your inbox. Don’t feel like you should save all emails. Unless you have to prove that the sender acknowledged receipt or authorized something, you can delete emails just say “Thanks” or “okey-dokey.”

Set up filters or use the Rules function built into your email platform to automatically sort mailing lists to one sub-folder, anything you’re always CCed on even though you know it’s got nothing to do with you to another, and so on. Get the non-essentials in your inbox out of it. 

Add emails with meeting links to your calendar, then put the email in a “Pending Event” folder in case you need to check something in advance of the meeting. When an email represents a task you have to do, add it to your to-do list or task app, then move the email to a folder related to that project or issue.

The less that’s in your inbox, the more managemable it will be but you won’t be as tempted to keep “checking email” or feel demoralized by clutter piling up.

Organize your digital passwords.

If you’ve got little bits of paper everywhere telling you how you can access your digital life, it’s slowing you down (and not letting you enjoy the slower times)! And if you’re using the same password everywhere, you’re slowing yourself to an eventual dead-stop if you get hacked!

Use a password manager like 1Password, Bitwarden, or Dashlane to centralize and organize your online login credentials. Then use your bits and pieces of slow time to update and strengthen weak passwords for the accounts you do you use and delete the ones that you don’t. (I started this recently and found dozens of login credentials for websites that don’t even exist anymore!)

Organize your digital files.

I’m not trying to suggest a major organizing project for your slow time; remember, the point is to make progress that will make your life easier without overdoing it.

Start with your cloud storage like Google Drive or Dropbox. Declutter by deleting anything that’s outdated and getting rid of duplicates. (I can’t tell you how often I’ve had three and sometimes even more copies of a PDF that was a “free gift” related to some online course because I attended different webinars by the same speaker.)

Once you’ve reduced your collection to what you actually want to keep, think about the categories into which they can be grouped. It’s funny, but no matter how organized someone’s hard drive might be, their cloud storage tends to be a Wild West of loose files and folders with mysterious names.  

Create an organized folder structure that makes sense to you — preferably one that matches what you’re already using on your computer — and when necessary, rename files that are confusing or mysterious.

Update your contacts.

Go through your contacts lists and purge duplicates. Check the accuracy, and make sure to save the numbers and addresses that hold the most information while dumping the ones that have only a partial piece of what you need.

Delete names you don’t need anymore. Going through my phone recently, I found a contact for “Andy Accident.” It took a few moments to realize that that’s how I listed the guy who rear-ended my car at a stoplight in January 2020! I definitely don’t need that number anymore!

The great thing about using your slow time to update your contacts list is that it reminds you of the people you know and like but haven’t chatted with in a while. Make note to call or text or email the people whose names you came across and thought, “Wow, I miss so-and-so!” and then actually DO contact them. They’ll be delighted, and it’s a great way to use those bonus minutes and hours that your slow time makes available.

Once you’ve finished with your contact lists in your devices, move on to pruning your social media accounts (including professional accounts like on LinkedIn). Delete the connections for the company you only followed to enter that one contest or people you linked with two careers ago (and only because you felt obligated). Add new contacts you’ll realize are missing as you remove the outdated or irrelevant ones. 

Eliminate app overload.

Your time has given you some breathing room, so why not make some breathing room on your devices?

The Pareto Principle says that 80% of our success comes from 20% of our efforts. That holds true in many ways; 80% of the time, we wear the same 20% of our wardrobe, kids play with the same 20% of their toys, and so on. We mostly use the same 20% of our apps. This is why letting things go from the 80% we hardly ever use makes us feel less cluttered and more productive, even though we anticipate we’ll feel anxious about having let them go, which is why they’re cluttering up our digital spaces in the first place.

Flip through your home screens on your devices and take inventory. (Just be careful not to get caught up in reading notifications or scrolling through social media!)

What apps did you download and never even try because they required setting up a login? What apps did you give up on because they were buggy? Those are the low-hanging fruit you can start deleting. Be like Elsa in Frozen and let them go!

Next, to see where you’re overusing the apps you don’t want to be using as much, check your Digital Wellbeing feature on Android or ScreenTime on iOS. Uninstall the ones that distract or drag you down.

If you’ve still got a pile of distracting apps that you can’t bear to uninstall, move them to your last home screen page to create more friction — you’ll be less likely to happen upon them when looking for your bank app.

Which are the apps you want to use all the time because of the benefits they bring to your well-being? Put them on your first screen.

Finally, organize what’s left. Drag and drop apps onto one another to make folders labeled for shopping, dining, social media, productivity apps, etc. You’re keeping those apps, just making them less obvious. This way, you’ll encounter an app only when you want to rather than when the little notification numbers pop up.

Whatever you do with these upcoming lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, I hope you enjoy them. But if you do find long stretches of time and aren’t quite sure what to do with them, I hope the above post has given you some options to use your time well and set the stage for the next time life gets busy.