Archive for ‘Task Management’ Category
Surprising Productivity Advice & the 2023 Task Management & Time Blocking Summit
In fields like science, medicine, and technology, surprising information comes out all the time, and with that, novel guidance and advice. In the world of organizing and productivity, however, there aren’t a lot of unexpected, planet-sized discoveries or wrecking balls to old beliefs.
Rather, in most aspects of organizing and productivity, we seek to find novel examples and tweaks to help people understand the best approaches for what they already know deep down. Today, I’d like to share three intriguing ideas I’ve heard recently, and an opportunity for you to discover more.
The first concept comes from my friend and colleague Hazel Thornton. You may recall her from Paper Doll Interviews the Genealogy Organizers and when I profiled her new book, Go With the Flow! The Clutter Flow Chart Workbook, in Paper Doll Presents 4 Stellar Organizing & Productivity Resources a few weeks ago.
Paper Doll’s Guide to Picking the Right Paper Planner
With two weeks until the new year, you’ve probably already started planning for 2023. But if you’re agitated about next year not being any more orderly than this one, you might be hesitating about committing to a planning system. Today’s post is designed to put you more at ease, and give you some guiding principles.
There’s nothing wrong with using a digital calendar. I use one myself, though not for scheduling. I use my digital calendar so that when I get an email with Zoom logins, or have a telephone consultation with a prospective client, I don’t have to go looking for the emails to find the links or phone numbers.
In Outlook, I can create an appointment or task directly from an email, and the system will prompt me at a pre-set time with all the key details. It’s like having my own personal Jeeves pop his head into the room to let me know the countess and duchess have arrived to join me for tea.
But honestly, I never use my digital calendar to plan my life. I’m a Paper Doll, so it stands to reason, I prefer a paper planner. But how do you know what’s best for you?
Let’s start with the mindset, and the different advantages and disadvantages of paper planners vs. digital calendars.
Learning Curve
If you are over the age of eight, you already know how to use a paper planner. On the monthly view, there are boxes for the days of the month to put major events, deadlines, and vacations. On the weekly and/or daily views, you can time block for tasks and list appointments.
Digital calendars aren’t complicated, per se, but they are not always intuitive. There might be a generational schism at play, but I’ve had clients try once, twice, even three times to input an appointment, only to have some technical or user kerfuffle lead them astray.
Why does this matter? Digital fatigue creates friction, and friction prevents people from completing a task, whether it’s removing the lid to the laundry hamper to toss clothes in, or schedule an appointment when the system isn’t working.
Woman With Planner Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash
Digital fatigue creates friction, and friction prevents people from completing a task, whether it's removing the lid to the laundry hamper to toss clothes in, or schedule an appointment when the system isn't working. Share on XControl vs. Convenience
At first, the ease of clicking to accept a meeting invitation would seem like an advantage for digital calendars. But is it?
When I train clients to improve their productivity, we focus on identifying priorities so that we can protect boundaries around them. On a digital calendar in your phone, you generally see the month with blobby dots signifying appointments on particular days.
You have to click through to look at the individual date to schedule the meeting, but then you’re losing the surrounding context because you’re just seeing one appointed after another another in a list. Again, you can’t see time.
When we brainstorm ideas, schedule appointments, break projects into tasks and plan when we’ll do them, we’re thinking about context. When we see a whole month of appointments on the printed page, we instinctually know we have to give ourselves (and our brains) some recovery time. That’s less obvious when we only see the one time slot and the computer merely tells us if there’s a conflict. (Also, on the digital calendar, it’s less clear that you haven’t scheduled time for a potty break or commute.)
Many people — children, college students, people with ADHD, overwhelmed professionals —often suffer from a lack of ability to visualize the passage of time. An analog planner involves more tactile interaction with the appointments and tasks we schedule. As we deal with finding a reasonable time for each time, we gain mastery, not only over our schedules, but our comprehension of time.
Basic digital calendars are built-in to our phone and computer systems, and most apps are inexpensive. Conversely, paper planners may run you from $20-$50. But when it comes to our planning tools, cost does not necessarily equal value.
Yes, there’s a dollar value to the purchase price of an app vs. a paper planner. But there’s a time value related to mastering a new calendaring system. Are you prepared to commit yourself to learning the intricacies of a new app or the same app every time it updates?
Privacy vs. Searchability
This is another close call. Your paper planner is completely private, as long as you don’t leave it unattended; a digital planner generally syncs across all of your digital devices, which means that while it should be private, there’s never a 100% certainty that there are no prying, hacking eyes.
Conversely, your digital calendar is usually searchable. You can type a keyword or person’s name to find a scheduled appointment or task. Your planner can only be searched by trailing your gaze across each page, and the less careful you are with entering data, the more you risk losing the information when you need it.
Visual vs. Visual+Tactile
When you drive, do you think in terms of linear directions, or are you more inclined to recall what to do when you reach landmarks? If you prefer linearity, go digital; if you like touchpoints and landmarks, paper will likely resonate more.
Hand in Water Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash
Does digital time “feel” real to you? On a digital calendar, every item appears in the same font and size. You can often color-code items, but digital entries have a vague sameness about them.
If you write something down, you can stop thinking of it, per se, and start thinking more robustly and contextually about it. Somehow, dragging an email into Outlook to set a meeting, or typing an appointment into your phone, leads to an out-of-sight, out-of-mind situation for many. But with a tangible paper planner, every time you eyeball your month or your week, you are speedily, comfortingly reminded of the important aspects your life.
Similarly, your fine motor skills applied to the task tend to be the same; you could be typing a grocery list or the key points for an interview (then buried into the notes section of a calendar event). With a paper planner, your tendency to print some things and handwrite others, your ability to use a particular color pen, to draw arrows and circles and adjust the size to shout or whisper on the page, yields a unique temporal language that makes sense to you.
Will a weighty paper planner “feel” more real to you vs. that free app (among dozens) on your phone?
Only you know for sure. For me, it’s a paper planner, all the way. But not all paper planners are created equal.
Anxiety over making the wrong planner choice is common; it’s one of the reasons people give up one planner and buy another mid-year. You don’t want to plunk $30 or $45 on a pile of paper that will sit like a lump on your desk because you’re afraid to “mess up” a pretty planner. This keeps people from committing to their planners and being successful at scheduling events and tasks.
Some users want simplicity; others desire flexibility. Some clients want aesthetically pleasing planners to inspire them, while others seek a serious, “professional” look. There’s no one perfect planner for everyone, but there are clues in how you feel about potential features.
Page Design
- Adequate space — to show appointments and key information, especially on the monthly view. If you’ve got loopy handwriting, will small monthly view boxes cramp your style?
- Layout for monthly/weekly/daily views — Understand how you “see” time. Also, depending on your life and lifestyle, consider whether you need an academic or full-year calendar, or a planner with lots of extra space for weekend and night activities.
- Creative fields — Modern planners may give you spaces for more than just appointments and tasks. Do you want bubbles or fields or pages for note-taking, brainstorming, mind-mapping, or gratitude journaling?
- Practical fields for tracking metrics — On the flip side of those creative attributes, there are planners with spaces for habit tracking, budgets, meals/nutritional logging, goal-setting, and other countable, observable elements.
- Bonus features — Are you drawn to daily motivational quotes, religious references, or cartoons? I never loved my Franklin Planner so much as the year I was able to get one with a New Yorker cartoon each day. I’ve enjoyed my colorfully-tabbed Emily Ley planner for the last few years, but miss daily quotes and bits of wisdom.
Planner Quote Photo by Bich Tran
Planner Design
In addition to features on the page, you might care about the design specifics of the planner itself:
- Size — Do you think you’d like an executive, classic, or condensed planner? The largest sized planner may not fit in your bag, or may take up too much real estate on your desk, but the tradeoff of picking the smallest option will be losing writing space.
- Weight — Does a hefty paper planner give you a greater sense of gravitas so that you’ll take your schedule seriously? Or will the bulk make it inconvenient for you to carry around?
- Binding — There are ring binders (usually with 7 rings), which let you choose how many pages you want to carry with you at any given time. (I like all the monthly pages, but prefer only last month, this month, and next month for weekly/daily pages.) Coil binding won’t let you remove or add pages, but tends to be more condensed. Both ring and coil binders assure your planner will stay open and lay flat; stitched binding may flop closed when the planner is new, and “perfect” binding (glued, like with a paperback book) can deteriorate with rough handling.
- Cover Style — Do your want your planner to have a leather (or “vegan leather”) cover for a fashion statement? What about a zipper? Are you good with a plastic or stiff paper cover? Will a simple planner cover help you take your planning more seriously or bore you? (Or are you willing to upgrade a staid cover with artwork or washi tape?)
Also remember that your planner is mostly about knowing what you have to do and when. If you need help with project management at the more granular level, take a peek at last year’s Checklists, Gantt Charts, and Kanban Boards – Organize Your Tasks.
As I research planners each year, I find that most planners fall into one of a few general categories:
Basic Planners
Think back to before the computer era, when you’d go to the dentist. Before leaving your appointment, the receptionist would consult a big, black-covered planner with neat columns, flip forward in the book, and write your name for a particular date (column) and time (row). That’s the what you’ll get when you seek various office supply store-branded calendars: columns and rows and not much else.
Basic planners offer a variety of the planner design elements above, but relatively few extra page design options. Popular examples:
At-A-Glance — is the most like that dental office planner in the days of yore. It’s efficient and practical. If you’re easily distracted by colorful design elements, this style should keep you on the straight and narrow.
Franklin-Covey planners in the ring format are customizable. You not only get to pick your planner size, but also choose from a variety of themes. There are spaces for appointments, tasks, and notes on the same page; others have little boxes for tracking expenses. You can also purchase pages for contacts, more notes, budgeting, and a number of other extras.
Levenger Circa SmartPlanners come in junior and letter sizes and some DIY customization. They use ring-like discs, such as we discussed in Noteworthy Notebooks (Part 4): Modular, Customizable, Disc-Based Notebooks.
Moleskine planners comes in a wide variety of sizes, colors, bindings and styles for monthly, weekly, daily, and combination views. Much like Moleskine notebooks, these are well made, with curved corners and elastic closures. These are often suited to creative souls who still want to stick to a simpler style and format.
Planner Pads are the planners I recommend the most often to the widest variety of clients. There are monthly calendar pages, but the heart of the system is the weekly pages divided into three sections (projects/tasks, daily scheduled tasks, and daily appointments), which “funnel” the overall projects and tasks to where they belong each day. However, cover choice is limited to black and a sort of seafoam green. I’ve said it for years, but Planner Pads is missing a great marketing opportunity; they already have the best basic planners — why not make them a little more attractive?
Passion Planners are still pretty straightforward, with columns for each date and sections for work and personal tasks and for notes, but they add weekly sidebars for focus areas and a place to jot down the “good things that happened” that week. The covers are faux leather and come in a variety of sumptuous colors; choose cover design, pick one of three sizes, and decide whether you want your week to start on Sunday or Monday.
Basic planners are the best for time blocking. (For more on this, see my Playing With Blocks: Success Strategies for Time Blocking Productivity from last year.) They tend to be promoted as gender-neutral options, with rare prompts for life goals or touchy-feely stuff.
“Fancy” Planners
For want of a better term, these are a step up from the basics. It’s worth noting that fancy planners marketed to women tend to focus on aesthetics and tracking emotional/psychological factors; planners marketed to men tend to include more tracking of quantifiable action-based metrics.
There are a handful of smaller sub-categories I’ve noticed in this realm.
The Animal Planners
Panda Planner — In addition to scheduling tasks and appointments, it covers inspiration and goals in sections labeled “Today’s Priorities,” “Morning Review,” and “Things I Will Do to Make This Week Great.”
Paper Doll on the Magic of Making Lists
Paper Doll is a sucker for lists.
My childhood diaries (y’know the kind, pink with a lock that could easily be opened by a bobby pin) were just page after page of my mini-me wishes and hopes.
One of the first organizing-related books I ever purchased (when I was still in high school, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and the top song on the Billboard charts
was Olivia Newton-John’s Physical), which still sits on my bookshelf, was Checklists: 88 Essential Lists to Help You Organize Your Life. It contains a wide variety of lists my 15-year-old self assumed would be, as the book title indicated, essential for becoming an adult.
Many of the lists were, and still are, useful. The “What To Do” checklists started with life transitions like how to find a roommate, plan a wedding, prepare for having a baby (or adopting one), buy a new or used car, or get ready for a move. These continued on through less happy events, like what to do if you’re going through a separation or a divorce, are a victim of a burglary, have to stay in the hospital, or need to plan funeral arrangements.
I will grant you that many of these step-by-step To Do lists, such as how to apply to college or for a mortgage are outdated these forty (gasp!) years later, and I can’t say I ever found the lists for buying a summer home or putting my boat in the water particularly useful. Oh, but the aspirational aspect of it all!
The other sections of the book were equally magical, with checklists for packing (for everything from a day at the beach to — I kid you not — sending your child to boarding school) to hosting social events (from children’s birthday parties to showers to Christmas dinners and Passover seders). And even after 20 years as a professional organizer, I still take a gander at the “What to Have” checklists for organizing every space from tool boxes and medicine chests to linen closets and garden sheds.
Even last week, when I was perusing the new books shelves at my public library, I couldn’t bring myself to bypass 52 Ways to Walk: The Surprising Science of Walking for Wellness and Joy, One Week at a Time.
Struggling To Get Things Done? Paper Doll’s Advice & The Task Management & Time Blocking Virtual Summit 2022
You have task lists. You have apps filled with task lists. You have alarms set to remind you to check your apps filled with task lists.
And yet, do you sometimes feel down in the dumps because you can’t achieve what you set out to do? If so, congratulations. That means you’re human. (No offense intended to my intergalactic readers, of course.)
The common parlance for solutions to getting things done is “time management,” but as you’ve heard me say often, we cannot manage our time, but only ourselves. Notwithstanding crying children, screaming bosses, and messed-up public transportation schedules, the inconvenient truth is that we really are the only ones in charge of what we do and when we do it.
Yes, there are consequences to us making the choices we do, but the key is that we’re controlling our reactions to the demands on our time. The minute we relinquish belief in our own control, we’re deciding the game is lost.
Thus, I see my role as one of explaining all of rules of the game, letting you know about the sneaky combatants trying to sabotage you (whether they’re in your own brain or out there in the world), and trying to arm you with mighty powers to vanquish whomever is trying to steal your time. (And yes, I realize this does seem to sound more like Dungeons & Dragons than time management.)
There are a variety of reasons why people find it hard to accomplish important things.
Maybe We Don’t Know What’s Up
Sometimes, you’re unhappy with the way things are but you can’t really identify the problem and don’t know there’s a solution. (If that’s the case, Organize Away Frustration: Practice The Only Good Kind of “Intolerance” offers some guidance for both recognizing that there is a problem and locating a solution.)
Other times, you know what you need to accomplish and you do want to do it, or at least, you want to have done it. (In the words of Dorothy Parker, “I hate writing. I love having written.”)
Other times, you know what you need to accomplish and you do want to do it, or at least, you want to have done it. (In the words of Dorothy Parker, *I hate writing. I love having written.*) Share on XIn those cases, when your get-up-and-go has got-up-and-went, there can be a number of causes. Read on.
Maybe There’s a Pandemic Going On
Early in the pandemic, there were the shifting sands beneath our feet as we couldn’t quite get a handle on things, so I wrote Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? 5 Strategies to Cope With Pandemic Time Dilation.
In that post, I covered research that is still apt today, about how the pandemic caused us to lose our sense of routine. Even if you’re back to working in the office, you don’t know if your child’s school is going to be closed unexpectedly, if planned meetings will “go virtual,” or if something (anything!) will turn out as it was planned. Two years on, and we are absolutely not back to normal, whatever we used to think that meant.
We also examined the research showing that our brains turned mushy, largely due to lack of novelty (for the work-from-homers) and something related to allostatic load, where our bodies’ physiological reactions to emotional stress caused a build-up of stress hormones. So, we couldn’t get our bodies in gear with the energy needed to perform all of the regular life-and-work mental tasks.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
And then our body clocks were out of whack because we weren’t sleeping (normally or otherwise), eating (normally or properly, and everyone’s move to drawstring waists seems to reflect that), we weren’t getting enough fresh air or sunlight, and we were getting too much blue light from our devices…which made it hard to sleep.
Guess what? We’re all still having trouble with these things, to one extent or another, two years on. We may have moved from the dining room to a bedroom turned into an office, or even back to our real offices. We’ve have moved on from Tiger King to Inventing Anna. But everyone is still having trouble with productivity!
In that post, I suggested strategies to cope with time dilation and get reconnected to time. If your task list means you barely have time to read this post, here’s a summary:
1) Put structure in your life.
Create daily rituals so you have a real sense of the start and end of your workday, and develop buffer habits so your brain gets the same benefits of a commute even if you’re walking around the block instead of driving to work while listening to your favorite podcast.
Time block to create boundaries in your day. (Of which, more later.) By blocking off specific times in your schedule for overarching categories (passive work projects, creative/active work projects, self-care, self-education, entertainment) you’re guaranteeing that there’s a place in your schedule for each. Knowing this gives you a sense of security, a system upon which you can depend.
2) Enhance novelty.
I offered up a laundry list of ways to boost novelty and get your brain making new synaptic connections. If every late winter slog through your day has been cold, grim, and not very novel, connecting with people you don’t normally speak with can spark enthusiasm for all sorts of things on your to-do list. It doesn’t matter whether that spark is a mild sense of competition with a former colleague or a stray comment you can build on to turn your work in a bold new direction.
In addition to new(ish) people, I suggested trying out different spaces, like working from a guest room or even moving furniture around to give you a new angle or a new vista.
3) Create vivid sensory clues for the passing of time!
At the time, I said:
Go Analog. Digital clocks don’t give you the same sense of the passage of time as old-school watches and clocks. Start by looking to see which of your digital clocks you can change to an analog appearance. Android phones allow you to change your lock screen from digital to analog easily. On the iPhone, the clock app iconis a working analog clock, but the lock screen stays digital. There are apps like FaceClock Analogue to give you a working clock, but they can’t be added to the lock screen.
I encouraged embracing the Time Timer and even hourglasses. The key? Shake up your relationship with time and make it more real.
4) Get what you know you need! I covered everything you needed to get enough of: daylight, sleep, exercise, and normalcy (including getting groomed and dressed). Judging from the people in PJs and slippers I see in the grocery store parking lot, I don’t think this can be said strongly enough.
5) Take a Technology Break – In some ways, this goes along with what I said about taking your view of time analog. Our dependence on technology takes us away from the reality of what we’re trying to do. Whenever possible, deal with the real and tangible.
Unplug when you can so you’re refreshed when you have to plug back into the matrix.
Oh, and in case you’re having trouble getting things done but feel like all of that stuff about the pandemic is old news, I invite you to read Rhymes With Brain: Languishing, Flow, and Building a Better Routine. The post dug deeply into brain-related changes you can make to get your mojo back in gear.
Maybe We’re Trying to Go It Alone
I mean, come on, any good D&D (or other tabletop game) player will tell you that you can’t go it alone. You need to forge partnerships. At the risk of pulling out every “maybe it was really the friends you met along the way” trope from TV and movies, getting support is essential.
There’s a reason they say, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
To that end, if your obstacle to getting things accomplished is a lack of external motivation, then look no further than two now-classic Paper Doll posts:
Count on Accountability: 5 Productivity Support Solutions walks you through options for motivating yourself through accountability with friends and strangers, individuals and groups, random humans and paid professionals.
Flow and Faux (Accountability): Productivity, Focus, and Alex Trebek pushes your task management forward when you can’t (or don’t want to have) an actual person pushing you to get your lists checked off, but you do need some kind of push. This post offers up a deeper understanding of what doesn’t work about virtual support and what does, so you can benefit from a little artificial intelligence (or artificial environments) without finding yourself stranded in an uncanny valley.
Maybe Our Spaces (or Our Brains) are Too Loud
Jump five years into the past for this Paper Doll classic. 5 Keys to Focus, or What Lord Chesterfield Knew About Multitasking, is (shockingly) one of the shortest posts in my 15-year collection.
From decluttering your physical and digital workspaces to shushing the distractions out there (in the world) and in there (in your head), to actually scheduling time to get it all done (ahhhh, there’s that hint again), this post will help settle your mind and turn you away from the dangers of multitasking.
Maybe We’re Stuck in the Past
If you can’t seem to move forward and take action on your tasks, maybe something is pulling you back?
It’s not always about finding a different method of keeping your conveyor belt of task management moving. If you need something with a little more of a philosophical bent to get you to let go, try reading Emerson, Angelou, Ted Lasso, Tashlich & Zen Monks: Letting Go for a Fresh Start.
Maybe We Haven’t Found the Right Tool or Magic Solution Yet?
Ah, you know this one. The truth is, there are no magic wands. (I told you so in The Truth About Celebrity Organizers, Magic Wands, and the Reality of Professional Organizing.)
There are bad solutions, like the kinds you see advertised on social media. (If you only see ads for a solution to something in the organizing and time management world, but aren’t seeing any of your favorite expert bloggers talking about the solution, there’s probably a good reason for that.)
And there are good solutions applied badly (or at least inexpertly).
And there are stellar solutions that work if you commit to learning, tweaking, and making your own.
I’ve certainly advised readers on my share of time and task management options. In the blog post about time dilation, I talked about the Pomodoro Technique, which is great for taking baby steps toward starting (and completing) tasks and conquering procrastination.
Other times, the blog has delivered insight about cognitive or tangible tools for organizing or accomplishing tasks:
Checklists, Gantt Charts, and Kanban Boards – Organize Your Tasks
Project Management Tools To Get It Done in 2019
Playing With Blocks: Success Strategies for Time Blocking Productivity (and ooooh, that was a good one!)
And that last post is our long-awaited segue to what I especially want to share today — an opportunity for you to get some cutting-edge information from a gaggle of experts (myself included) on task management and time blocking.
This all starts with my friend, colleague, fellow Cornell University alum — and, we were surprised to learn, former dorm-mate — Francis Wade, founder of 2Time Labs in Jamaica.
Francis operates in the field of “applied research in a world of increasing time demands.” (Sound familiar?) He’s also the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity: How To Protect Your Mind As Time Demands Increase. (You can read more about the book here.)
Paper Doll’s 10-Minute Tasks to Make Difficult Moments Easier
Lately, I’ve been considering that it’s a bit ironic that February, the shortest month of the year, is National Time Management Month. We collectively assign the month with the fewest days to figure out how to achieve goals that would solve so many frustrations.
Wouldn’t a 31-day month be better for that?
A Necessary Caveat About “Time Management”
Time management, obviously, is a misnomer. We don’t really manage time, which is fixed. Every person gets the same 60 seconds every minute, the same 60 minutes every hour, the same 24 hours every day, and of course, 525,600 minutes in a year.
(With apologies to all of you who’d rather watch the Broadway version, linked above, than Glee‘s, but YouTube is really cracking down on music videos being played anywhere but their own platform.)
Rather, we must try to manage our attention, our energy, and our labor. Though we have the same amount of time, none of us has the exact same quality of our time, nor the same obligations.
The single, healthy, unencumbered twenty-something with a salaried office job has more (financial, as well as temporal) resources than the mom of two working multiple retail jobs, or the person going to school while taking care of an elderly parent, or the individual struggling to make it through these crazy times with a chronic illness, visible or invisible.
Often, when the media has articles on time-saving tasks, they fail to acknowledge the complexities of life. If you are beyond the juggling and are full-on struggling, we professional organizers and productivity consultants see you. And we know that when the you-know-what hits the fan, you’ve got limited energy and time to deal.
So, today’s post has ten-minute tasks (or projects that can be handled as a series of ten-minute tasks) that will make things easier for you and your family when things get “ouchie.”
Check and Update Your Beneficiaries
You don’t even have to do these all at once, though if your paperwork is already organized, it should only take you a couple minutes for each. Though the time investment is small, the ease of mind it will bring (both now, and in the future) is tremendous.
And yes, you can even consider these two separate tasks (the checking and the updating) so you can make two different checkmarks on your task list.
Pull out the file folders or head to your online accounts and check to see who you previously listed as your primary and secondary beneficiaries for any of the following you may have:
- life insurance policies
- annuities
- pension accounts
- Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
- 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and other retirement accounts
- profit-sharing plans
- brokerage/investment accounts
Obviously, a beneficiary is someone who gets a benefit. When we’re looking at financial documents, beneficiaries are the people (or sometimes entities) that the account holder designates as the recipient of any assets in that account when the account holder eventually shuffles off this mortal coil. (I know, nobody likes to use the world “death” or think about it, but that’s why we have life insurance policies, wills, and similar accounts and documents — to make things easier when someone has passed away.)
“The Reading of the Will” — central to any good murder mystery
In most cases, setting a beneficiary (and usually both a primary and secondary beneficiary) is part of the required paperwork. Some states (usually “community property states”) require you to list your spouse (if you have one) as your primary beneficiary for retirement and other accounts.
You may be wondering, if you have a will, why do you need to name beneficiaries? That’s a darned good question.
The main reason is that when a person dies, a will goes through “probate,” a legal process where the court in your jurisdiction supervises all the assets in your estate getting distributed hither and yon. Depending on the situation, it can be murky and complicated, and take a long time, which is pretty miserable if your people need those funds.
However, whenever you have a beneficiary set in your insurance policies and various financial accounts, that money can go straight to your intended recipient as soon as the insurance or financial institution gets proof that you are no longer among us. That usually just amounts to a certified copy of the death certificate and some proper ID.
If you set your beneficiaries for any of these accounts several years ago, you may have picked someone no longer appropriate — parents who are no longer living (or not able to manage their own finances), former spouses or significant others, or even friends who are not part of your active life anymore.
I went through the “check the beneficiaries” process with one client who was shocked to realize that she’d never gone back to revise the beneficiary on a small 401(k) plan she’d never bothered to roll over from a job decades earlier. (Note to readers: don’t do that. Roll over your retirement accounts so you don’t have to hope your former employers have stayed solvent and managed your funds properly.)
Imagine my client’s shock when she realized that her [expletive deleted], [expletive deleted]ing [expletive] of a [expletive deleting] ex-[expletive deleted] husband was still her beneficiary! Be assured it did not take her ten full seconds, let alone minutes, to get cracking on changing that beneficiary!
Imagine my client's shock when she realized that her *expletive deleted*, *expletive deleted*ing *expletive* of a *expletive deleted*ing ex-*expletive deleted* husband was still her beneficiary! Share on XIf you never set your beneficiaries before or your want or need to change them, you’ll need a few pieces of information, like their Social Security numbers, birth dates, and contact information (like phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing addresses).
EXTRA CREDIT: Here’s a time-saver so you don’t have to go through this entire process in the future:
- Create a spreadsheet (or even a handwritten note) with the first column listing all of your account names.
- Create a column and list all of the beneficiaries as they stand now.
- Create a column entitled “as of” and list today’s date.
- Any time you acquire a new policy, add a line to this list. Any time you revise a beneficiary, revise the spreadsheet.
This way, whenever you’re not sure whether you’ve updated your beneficiary, you’ll only have to look in one place.
EXTRA, EXTRA CREDIT: Checking your beneficiaries is easy and quick. Changing/updating them should be easy, but how quickly you can accomplish it depends on whether your insurance or financial institution will let you do this all online. But making this list is definitely easy and quick.
However, to take it a step further, fancy-up this spreadsheet with another ten-minute (or so) task.
Add columns for your account number, and the name, email address, and phone number of your insurance agents and financial brokers associated with each policy or account. Create a column to explain what kind of policy or account it is. And then make sure that someone you trust, like the person who has your Power of Attorney, has a copy or can access it when/if necessary.
Put Your Emergency Contacts On Ice
“Downtown Hospital Ambulance” by sponki25 is licensed under CC BY 2.0
In the early 2000s, first responders in the UK started suggesting that people list their “In Case of Emergency” contacts as “ICE” on their cell phones to make those contacts easy to locate. The idea quickly took hold in North America.
While first responders, themselves, generally don’t have the time (or authorization) to contact someone for you, nurses and hospital staff often do need to obtain important medical information when you are not able to provide it. That’s where your contacts come in.
As cell phones got fancier, the lock screens made accessing ICE contacts more difficult, but now, even if you are not able to respond, medical personnel may be able to use your thumb print access or facial recognition to get your emergency contact info.
But there’s something else you can quickly do to make sure your emergency contacts can, um, get contacted. Add your emergency contacts to your cell phone’s lock screen.
On an iPhone:
1) Go to the Medical ID screen. You can get there one of three ways:
- Long-press on the Health app icon. That will bring up a screen that looks like this:
- You can also manually open the Health App by tapping on it, then on your profile image, and then selecting Medical ID.
- Or go to Settings, then Health, then Medical ID.
2) Tap Edit.
3) Fill in all the fields that you want, but if there’s nothing significant, it’s better to type “none” than to leave it blank (so that you’re not leaving anything open to interpretation). There are fields for medical conditions, allergies, medications, blood type, weight, height, and emergency contacts. (Bingo!)
At the top, there’s an option to put in your photo. Do that; it ensures that an emergency responder can verify this is your phone.
4) Choose a name and phone number (or two names and numbers) for your Emergency Contact(s). Be sure you select names/numbers that already exist in your contacts list.
5) Scroll down to the section for Emergency Access.
6) Enable “Show When Locked” and “Share During Emergency Call.”
7) Tap “Done” at the top right corner to save your info.
Now, go look at your lock screen. You should see the word “Emergency” in the lower left corner of your iPhone. If your phone is locked and someone taps that, they can see your emergency information but nothing else.
If you don’t see the word “Emergency” there, hold down your power button (or power and volume-down buttons) as if you were going to turn off your phone and you’ll see the Medical ID access. (I guess it all depends on which version of iOS you’re using.)
For more information about the iOS Medical ID, Apple has a detailed page of instructions and explanations.
Assuming you have a photo somewhere on your phone to add in the photo field, this can usually be completed in well under 10 minutes. (The only sticking point is if someone has many medications or allergies they have to list.)
On an Android Phone
Although Android phones do not have one default health-related app, you can easily show your emergency contacts on your lock screen in one of two ways.
Method #1
- Open your Settings app.
- Tap “User & Accounts” and then select “Emergency Information.”
- Tap “Info” and then “Edit information” to enter any medical information you want to store.
- Tap “Add Contact” to add a person from your contacts list. Note, you might have to click on “Contacts” first to be presented with the list
Method #2
Android phones will let owners put any message directly on the lock screen.
- Open your Settings app.
- Tap “Security & Location.”
- Tap “Settings” next to “Screen lock.”
- Tap “Lock screen message.”
- Type your primary emergency contact (and, if applicable, any medical conditions). You could type, “In Emergency, call Lin-Manuel Miranda” and his number. What? Can you think of someone more comforting to have around in an emergency? OK, maybe Stanley Tucci. Or Paper Mommy.
- Tap “Save.”
After you’ve set this up, your ICE information can be found by swiping upward on the lock screen and tapping EMERGENCY and then “Emergency information.”
Do An Inventory of Your Essential Documents
An emergency is the worst time to realize you have no idea where your important documents are. Do you know which of these documents you have and where you can find them?
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security card
- Marriage License and Certificate
- Divorce Degree
- Military Separation Papers
- Death Certificate
- Passport
- Durable Power of Attorney for Finances
- Healthcare Proxy or Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare
- Living Will or Advanced Medical Directive
- Last Will and Testament
- Digital Will
- Driver’s License
- Voter Registration card
- Vaccination Record
- COVID Vaccinate Card
- Professional license(s)
- Other licenses
As with the beneficiaries section above, a great way to save time is to make a list (think of it as a treasure map) of where each of these documents are located. Use Excel or a Google spreadsheet and take note of what the document is and where it’s located (e.g., your family filing system, fireproof safe, safe deposit box, wallet, etc.).
EXTRA CREDIT: For good measure, for your passport, driver’s license, and any other licenses, take note of the expiration date.
And then for really good measure, put a reminder task in your phone to alert you one month before your any of these items expire to make sure you address renewals. (Give yourself a longer lead-time to renew your passport; also, as you’ve probably not been traveling out of the country in the last two years, you should check to make sure your passport hasn’t already expired.)
If you have a lot of documents, just do a few every day and you’ll be amazed at what a few ten-minute tasks can do to put your mind at ease.
EXTRA, EXTRA CREDIT: The Paper Doll archive has extensive information about what documents you should have and what to do if they’re missing. These posts are a great place to start.
How to Replace and Organize 7 Essential Government Documents
How to Create, Organize, and Safeguard 5 Essential Legal and Estate Documents
The Professor and Mary Ann: 8 Other Essential Documents You Need To Create
Protect and Organize Your COVID Vaccination Card
Paper Doll acknowledges that I write longer-than-typical blog posts. Feel free to consider reading each one to be a 10-minute task. But the knowledge you gain will contribute to your ability to use your time more efficiently. Because, the more you know, the better prepared you are for any eventuality.
Snap Some Photos to Take Key Information With You
Unlike the vital documents listed in the prior section, there are some pieces of information you are more likely to lack at the most inconvenient times.
Toy car accident image by Andrea Closier on Pixabay
For example, if you have an auto accident and the police or first responders won’t let you get back into your car for safety reasons, you wouldn’t be able to get your auto registration and car insurance paperwork out of your car. Yes, you’d have it at home, but that would slow everything down.
Or perhaps you need to fill a prescription at a different pharmacy from usual, perhaps when you’re on vacation, and they don’t already have your pharmaceutical company discount card on record.
Or maybe you’re unexpectedly with your spouse or child or senior parent in the emergency room, and the physicians want to know what medications, at what dosages, prescribed by what healthcare providers, the patient is taking. If that information is pinned to the fridge at home, but you came directly to the ER from somewhere else, that’s frustrating.
This is where the magic of modern cell phones (which we usually bemoan for the time they steal from us) comes in handy. Consider any of the following:
- auto registration form
- auto insurance card
- health insurance card
- homeowner’s insurance card
- pharmaceutical company discount cards
- handwritten instructions of how to get to a room or office you visit infrequently
- a list of the size/type of batteries and light bulbs you use for which items in your home so that you never again have to unscrew a light bulb just to know what voltage and whether you want a skinny-base or a fat-base bulb)
- etc., for whatever is important in your life.
You could snap all of these as photographs and store them in a photo album in your phone’s photo section. Name it “Remember” or “Vital” or whatever will catch your eye.
If you want to go to the effort of scanning the document and sending it to your phone, that’s fine, but iOS has created an easy option using the Notes app.
- Open a new or existing note.
- Tap the cute little camera icon.
- Tap “Scan Documents.”
- Focus your document, card, medicine label or whatever within your camera’s viewing area.
- Then you have two options:
- Let the auto-capture work its magic as the item comes into the viewfinder and auto-focuses, or
- Click the shutter button (or one of the volume buttons) to capture the scan
- Drag the corners of the scan to do any necessary adjustments.
- Tap “Keep Scan.”
- Scan more fiddly stuff to keep it handy or tape Save if you’re done.
From here, you can save the scan in your Notes or Files app in your phone itself, or upload it to a synced app, like Dropbox or Evernote:
As an all-Apple user, I don’t have an Android-specific scanning suggestion; if you do, please add your voice in the comments.
The next time a new insurance card or other piece of important information comes your way, take a snapshot or scan to ensure you’ll have whatever you might need when you are out and about.
As I often say, organizing can’t prevent all catastrophes, but it can make many of them less catastrophic. I hope these various ten(ish)-minute tasks will help ease many of the ickier moments in life for you.
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