Archive for ‘Paper Organizing’ Category

Posted on: August 14th, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 15 Comments


Last week, in Paper Doll Explains Digital Social Legacy Account Management, we talked about the importance of your digital social legacy, and all the social, emotional, financial, and other reasons why you might want to set an official legacy contact or make sure your digital executor (or digital heir, representative, or designee) can access your digital content and preserve your legacy.

We also saw that most social media platforms have disappointing digital social legacy management tools. Facebook has an official legacy contact, but the instructions are out of date and wonky. Facebook owns Instagram, but there’s no Instagram legacy contact option.

Further, even though Facebook and Instagram, as well as LinkedIn (which also has no legacy contact) will allow you to memorialize your account, only Facebook allows you to name someone to access your data, share it with your family, or preserve your content anywhere other than on the social media platform. And Twitter (X) and TikTok don’t have any policies for memorialization.

Basically, with the exception of Facebook, unless you provide your login credentials to a loved one (which may be considered a violation of terms of service on some platforms, like LinkedIn), there’s no completely kosher way to ensure that your digital social legacy is preserved.

Luckily, Apple and Google are far more prepared to help you and your loved ones secure your digital legacy. Today’s post provides the lowdown on what you need to do to lock everything down now so that your preferred designee can access and distribute your digital assets the way you want.

Designating Your Digital Legacy Contact

Last week, we looked at your best bets for putting your digital legacy in the good hands of your digital executor (or digital heir, representative, or designee). I wrote:

    • Whom do you trust to carry out your wishes, or anticipate your preferences if you leave no instructions? 
    • With whom will you still be in close contact by the time a digital social legacy has to be managed? 
    • To whom are you comfortable giving access to private conversations? 
    • Which of your friends is likely to stay current enough with technology to be able to handle your digital legacy?

So, yes, you have to trust that the person you pick will follow your wishes, just as a traditional executor of a will. By the time of your demise, you’ll still want them to be close to you. 

Whereas social media content is already pretty public to begin with, your digital executor must be someone in whom you’re secure granting access to your whole portfolio of digital assets. Things get much more complicated when we’re also considering your photos, emails, text messages, documents, apps and pretty much anything you access by using your Apple ID or Google credentials (including any small business venture you run)

Finally, with regard to last week’s criteria, your pick has to have more specific technological savvy. If your digital executor has lived in a 100% Android world, will they find it frustrating to amble through your all-Apple neighborhood? On the other side, while most people have some experience with Google products, Apple folks may get stuck on Android mobile quirks.

Technology Confusion via GIPHY


Simply put, an Apple Legacy Contact is the person you designate to have official access to your Apple ID/account after your death. This is not merely someone having your login credentials. Rather, it’s a secure method for giving your trusted contact access to the data stored in your Apple account once you’ve passed away.

Remember, your data covers more than pictures and notes; it’s literally everything associated with your Apple ID, from the content of your cloud accounts to backups and current materials on your Apple devices, whether via iOS, MacOS, or iPadOS.

Prepare to Add Your Apple Legacy Contact

My foregoing suggestions notwithstanding, your Apple Legacy Contact can be (almost) anyone you want. They don’t have to own an Apple device! They don’t even have to have their own Apple ID. (Though they will be assigned a special one later, but not until you make your untimely departure.)

However, your Legacy Contact does have to be at least 13 years old in North America. (Other nations have different age requirements, the same as those for being able to create an Apple account, ranging from 14-16).

In addition to picking your Legacy Contact, you’ll need to make sure that you:

  • Are signed into an Apple device (running at least either iOS 15.2, iPadOS 15.2, or macOS Monterey 12.1) with your Apple ID.
  • Have enabled and turned on two-factor authentication for your Apple ID.

How to Add Your Apple Legacy Contact

Now that you’re properly logged in, set up your Apple Legacy Contact using the following methods, depending on what kind of device you’re using.

On a Mac:
  1. Click on the Apple  menu in the upper left corner of your screen and select System Preferences. Click on your Apple ID.
  2. Click on Password & Security and select Legacy Contact
  3. Click Add Legacy Contact and follow the prompts. 

Be ready to authenticate your access with Touch ID (finger on your keyboard) or by entering your Mac login password. 

On iPhones and iPads: 

  1. Go to the Settings app and tap on your name. (You’ll likely see your face to the left of your name, “Apple ID, iCloud+, Media & Purchases” just below your name, and “>” to the right of your name.)
  2. Tap Password & Security. On the resulting screen, scroll down almost to the end and tap Legacy Contact.
  3. Tap Add Legacy Contact. After a resulting info page, you’ll be taken to your mobile device’s contact page. Just tap the preferred contact’s name.

Be prepared to authenticate with Face ID, Touch ID, or passcode for your device.

If you’ve ever used this process before to set up a Legacy Contact, once you get to step 2 (on any device), you’ll see the name/face for the person you’ve already selected. At that point, in step 3, you can add an additional Legacy Contact (you can have two or more) or tap on the name/face of your current Legacy Contact to see more info.

If you’ve just set up Taylor Swift as your Legacy Contact for the first time, or even if she was already there, the resulting page will say:

Legacy Contact:

Taylor Swift can inherit your data and use your Apple devices after you have passed away. To request access to your account, Taylor will need to provide the access key shared by you and a copy of your death certificate.

Then you’ll see two options:

  • View Access Key — This will give you a screen entitled “Legacy Contact Access Key” with a QR code and a multi-line series of letters and numbers. The screen has an option to print a copy for your records or your contact. (See below for informating your Legacy Contact.)                                                                                                                        
  • Remove Contact — If you click this, the contact will be removed.

If you want to remove a contact (for example, if you get a divorce from your former contact, or you have a “bad bestie breakup” with Taylor), be sure to assign a new Legacy Contact.

No matter which device you use, Apple will send you an email confirmation when a Legacy Contact is added or removed.

Inform Your Legacy Contact

The next step is to let your Legacy Contact know what’s up. (Most people would not consider this assignment a fun surprise after they’ve lost someone as dear as you!)

Print a paper copy to keep with your estate papers and/or will (perhaps in your safe deposit box) if the executor of your will and your Legacy Contact are the same person.

Alternatively, consider creating a PDF to keep on a secure flash drive with other instructions for your Legacy Contact. I gave a digital copy to my Appple Legacy Contact, but you might want to arrange for delivery only after your demise.

Upon creating your Legacy Contact, Apple gives you the option to print the access key or send a message. However, to send the access key via Apple Messages, your contact has to be using at least iOS 15.2, iPadOS 15.2, or macOS Monterey 12.1 or later. If they accept responsibility, their device will automatically store a copy of the access key in their Apple ID settings. Conversely, if they decline your Legacy Contact request, you’ll be notified that they noped out and you’ll be able to choose someone else.

If your Legacy Contact is using older versions of the Apple software, they’ll be prompted to update and then you can use the send a message option.

If they don’t use Apple devices at all, your only option is to give them the printed version or PDF of the access key.

What Your Apple Legacy Contact Needs to Do

Sometime, long (long, long) in the future, you will eventually pass away peacefully in your sleep. At a respectful point after that, your Apple Legacy contact will need to file an access request. They’ll need:

  • A copy of your death certificate. Because of this, you’ll want to make sure your Apple Legacy Contact is, if not also the executor of your will, then someone who has at least an amicable relationship with them. (In other words, if your bestie is otherwise ideal as your Apple Legacy Contact but can’t be in the same room as your spouse or executor without everyone resorting to fisticuffs, it will likely be hard for them to access a copy of your death certificate and set things in motion.  
  • The Apple access key (paper or digital) you generated when you chose them as your official Apple Legacy Contact.

If they accepted the role as Legacy Contact when you shared it digitally, it’s listed under their own Apple ID. They’ll follow the same prompts as above for creating a Legacy Contact, but once they get to the Legacy Contact screen, they’ll see your name/face and will be able to tap to get further details, view the access key, and start an access request.

Your Apple Legacy Contact will use the access key to request access. Apple will review the request, verify all of the information, and (assuming everything is A-OK) give them access to your Apple account data.

“How?” you wonder?

Your Legacy Contact will be granted a special Apple ID (separate from your own Apple ID and theirs) that they must set up to access your account. Note: your own Apple ID and password combination won’t work anymore.

Your Apple Legacy Contact will only have access to your data for three years from when the legacy account request is approved. Whether they start accessing the account right away or not until months or years later, the approval date starts the three-year clock! After three years, your Apple account will be permanently deleted. 

What Can Your Apple Legacy Contact Access?

First, be aware that if you have have more than one Legacy Contact, any one of them can independently access your account, make decisions about your data, and even permanently delete data (before the three-year mark when Apple will do it). So think critically before assigning two or more Legacy Contacts.

What what can your Apple Legacy Contact access? Just about anything stored in iCloud or a device’s iCloud backup. You can’t pick and choose and say your Legacy Contact can see your documents but not your photos, or can see your emails but not your text messages. Accessible data may include iCloud Photos, Apple Mail (but not non-Apple Mail platforms stored only in third-party sites, like Microsoft 365), and notes, contacts, calendars, and reminders.

They may also be able to access any iMessages backed up to iCloud, iPhone call history, files in iCloud Drive, Health Data app data, Voice Memos recordings, and your Safari bookmarks and reading list — not that you have anything embarrassing in there — as well as anything on your devices that you’ve secured in iCloud Backup, like App Store apps and all the content (photos, videos, documents, etc.) stored on your device. 

However, your Legacy Contact can’t access any of your payment info on purchases made through Apple Pay or cards saved under your Apple ID, nor any of your in-app purchases. They also can’t get into Keychain to access Safari-based or Wi-Fi user names and passwords, internet accounts, or credit card numbers and expiration dates. If you want them to be able to see that information, provide it separately, outside of Apple channels.

For more, visit Apple’s Data That a Legacy Contact Can Access page.


While Google does not have a legacy contact, per se, it does allow you to designate an Inactive Account Manager. This lets you to grant your loved ones access your accounts and data once the accounts (and presumably, you) become “inactive.”

The Inactive Account Manager ensures that if you cease using your accounts for an extended period of time, there is a way for your digital heirs or others to prompt you to be active (if that’s physically, or metaphysically, possible) or to enable them to access accounts and data on your behalf.

(Somehow, Sleeping Beauty‘s inactivity seems more palatable than thing about a more permanent version.)

What Does Inactive Really Mean (to Google)?

You may have received an email from the Google Accounts Team this weekend. It said that as part of their efforts to protect data:

…We are updating the inactivity period for a Google Account to two years across all our products and services. This change starts rolling out today and will apply to any Google Account that’s been inactive, meaning it has not been signed into or used within a two-year period. An inactive account and any content in it will be eligible for deletion from December 1, 2023.


If your account is considered inactive, we will send several reminder emails to both you and your recovery emails (if any have been provided) before we take any action or delete any account content. These reminder emails will go out at least 8 months before any action is taken on your account.

After a Google Account is deleted, the Gmail address for the deleted account cannot be used again when creating a new Google Account.

To keep your Google accounts active, the letter pointed out that you can do anything from reading and sending an email (in Gmail), using Google Drive, watching YouTube videos while logged in, “checking in” on Android, downloading an app to an Android device, and more, as specified in their Inactive Google Account Policy

The letter points out that you can download your data using Google Takeout, and plan for your inactivity (including any Divine Google Inactivity in the Great Beyond) by setting up the Inactive Account Manager.

Obviously, if you’re alive and kicking, you want to check into your Google accounts often enough in a two-year period that all of your account roots and tendrils won’t be pruned away. Google says it will send periodic emails to your account and any recovery email you have set up.

However, we have no way of knowing how good the Wi-Fi is in the Great Beyond, so if you want  your loved ones to have access to the data in your accounts before Google deletes it, setting up your Inactive Account Manager is a wise next step.

Set Up Your Google Inactive Account Manager

Google’s going to consider you inactive after two years of inactivity, but you won’t want to cut it that closely. Choose a deadline for when the company should consider your account inactive enough — for example, after three months or 12 months of inactivity — to give your Inactive Account Manager a yoohoo. If you pass away and no longer use the account, that timeline will be triggered.

When you set up the Inactive Account Manager, you can choose to either share your data with someone or delete your account once the deadline has passed. You can also choose to share different data with different people. (So, Taylor Swift can access all YourTube videos for your family and write tribute songs based on them; meanwhile, you can designate America’s Dad, Tom Hanks, to safely review your Gmail and Google Drive.)

  1. Log into your Google account.
  2. Go to your Inactive Account Manager page. It’s initially very sparse, with some boilerplate language.  
  3. Click Start.

Google will walk you through a series of prompts:

  • State how long Google should wait (3, 6, 12, or 18 months) before considering your account as inactive and notifying your Inactive Account Manager. (Tom Hanks loves you, but he’s a busy guy, so let’s not bother him with false starts.)
  • Provide and confirm your own contact information: phone number, Google email address, and a recovery email address.
  • Identify whom should be notified and which of your content can be shared with them if you do not respond to attempts to contact you. You can select up to 10 people! For each, you provide an email address and select from a long list of sharable Google-related data (calendars, contacts, Google Drive, Gmail, YouTube, etc.). You can click “Select all,” “Select None,” or specific items.
  • Confirm the person(s) to be notified, and (if you wish) add a personal message that will be sent to them only after your account has been inactive for the period of time you’ve designated.
  • Create an optional autoreply message to go to anyone who sends you an email at your Gmail account after you’ve been “inactive.” (Be kind. Don’t freak people out after you’re gone.)

Revise or turn off your inactivity plan at any time.

Your Inactive Account Manager will have 3 months from the time you “go inactive” to download a copy of any data that you selected from your Google account. After three months, Google will delete your account and its activity and data. 

Note: if you never set up the inactive Account Manager, your digital heirs will still be able to submit a request to access or close the account. However, they’d have to go through the same onerous (and unofficial) process we discussed last week when talking about closing social media accounts: providing photo ID, sharing a death certificate, and otherwise proving authorization.


There are only so many issues that can be covered across two posts regarding how to handle digital legacies. You may want to review the following resources to help you develop your digital estate plan, whether involving major operating system platforms or social media accounts.

Creating Your Digital Estate Plan (Kindle) by my esteemed veteran professional organizing colleague Judith Kolberg — Judith’s books are chock-full of wise advice and clarifying narratives.  This book will guide you through the essentials of setting up a plan to make sure your digital estate and legacy is handled as you want.


How To Safeguard Your Digital Privacy (

How to Prepare Your Digital Life for Your Death (

Ask Help Desk: How to Set Up Legacy Contacts for Your Online Accounts (Washington Post)

How to Add Legacy Contacts to Your Accounts (NOLO)

What To Do With Someone’s Social Media Accounts After Someone Dies (

Digital Legacy Tutorials for the Public (Digital Legacy Association)

Social Media Will Template (Digital Legacy Association)

As social media continues to grow and software-as-a-service becomes a mainstay of 21st-century life, our needs for social legacy memorials, legacy contacts, and individuals to handle our digital estates will continue to grow.

Are there issues related to this topic you’d like to see me cover? And how are you coming along with setting up these kinds of contacts?

Posted on: August 7th, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 14 Comments


An essential part of organizing your paper and information involves thinking wisely about the future. It requires anticipating what might (or will) happen and taking precautions to make things less problematic when the possible, probable, or guaranteed happens. This is why so many Paper Doll posts deal with organizing your information to pay your taxes or cope with illnesses or prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Because we don’t know when we might get ill, or be unable to handle our financial affairs, or shuffle off this mortal coil, there are documents and actions for ensuring that others will be able to take care of what’s necessary. Some essential posts from the Paper Doll vault for accomplishing these tasks include:

How to Create, Organize, and Safeguard 5 Essential Legal and Estate Documents

The Professor and Mary Ann: 8 Other Essential Documents You Need To Create

Paper Doll’s 10-Minute Tasks to Make Difficult Moments Easier

Paper Doll’s Ultimate Guide to Getting a Document Notarized

A New VIP: A Form You Didn’t Know You Needed

Cross-Training for Families: Organize for All Eventualities

In most cases, attention is focused on tangible, paper documents. However, there are some key digital precautions that everyone should take.


Until the last few decades, digital assets weren’t a matter for much concern beyond ensuring that your loved ones could access your computer. Thirty years ago, most people did not even have email. It was 1995 before Wells Fargo was one of the first financial institutions to offer online banking, and most people have only needed online credentials for their most important financial accounts in the last 15-20 years.

But then there’s social media. It’s hard for younger people to believe, but Friendster, one of the first social media platforms, didn’t start until 2002. MySpace followed in 2003, and Facebook launched in 2004, but only to college students. Personally, I started on Twitter and Facebook in 2008, and platforms like Instagram and TikTok are still in their relative infancy. (Of course, each social media platform is generally taken up by younger people before its popularity spreads.)

So, it’s understandable that, unlike making sure your loved ones or executor of your will can access your checking and investment accounts to deal with your financial legacy, most individuals have spent little time thinking about handling digital social legacies.

Perhaps you’re thinking you’ll just abandon your accounts, leaving a digital ghost town. You’ll be gone, so who cares? Right? Wrong.

First, social media accounts are always ripe for hacking; you don’t want your account and image taken over by ne’er-do-wells who might prey on unsuspecting friends or followers by faking your identity. Second, social media accounts contain a wide variety of personal information, personal and family history, and photos, things that you want your loved ones to be able to control.

If you operate a business, your social media accounts for your company are almost certainly tied to your personal accounts. (For example, you can’t have a business page on Facebook without first having a personal profile.) This means that the continuity of your company’s marketing is dependent upon control over your own social media.

And finally, there’s a personal legacy to consider. You might want to keep your accounts up, as is, after you depart for all eternity (or at least until a megalomaniacal billionaire destroys your favorite platform). But you might prefer to have it taken down so that links to it cannot be used to harm your good name or be engaged in unseemly online activity. It’s tricky.

However, none of your wishes can be followed if your loved ones lack control over your social media platforms. To that end, let’s look at how you can ensure your digital social legacy is secure.

Put Your Legacy in Good Hands

Before you consider the what, you need to select the who, in terms of whom do you want to put in charge of your digital social legacy? This may or may not be the same person to whom you’d give your Power of Attorney or have as the executor of your will or designate to be guardian of your children.

Whether you call them your digital executor, digital heir, representative, or designee, you need to ask yourself:

  • Whom do you trust to carry out your wishes, or anticipate your preferences if you leave no instructions? What you think you’d want in 2023 may not include things that will be unimaginable until 2043.
  • With whom will you still be in close contact by the time a digital social legacy has to be managed? It’s hard to believe, but your bestie from college may be someone you haven’t spoken to in a decade by the time you are in your 40’s. One of your closest friends in your 60’s may, sadly, not be in the world (let alone your world) when you’re all in your 80’s.
  • To whom are you comfortable giving access to private conversations? You haven’t necessary said or done anything in your Twitter DMs or Facebook chats that would bring shame on your family, but maybe you went through a period where you said unkind things about your ex-spouse or had some spicy conversations? You might not want your current significant other or adult children to read everything in your private social media inbox.
  • Which of your friends is likely to stay current enough with technology to be able to handle your digital legacy? Your BFF may meet all the above criteria but not know a QR code from Krispy Kreme, or two-factor authentication from two-for-one taco night. Digital skills matter.

Inventory Your Digital Social Assets

Make an inventory of your social media assets. I’ve previously written about having a general digital asset inventory. Obviously, you’ll make sure the executor of your will has access to all of your financial assets (accounts for banks, brokerage houses, etc.), and next week’s post will look at a wider array of digital assets related to your personal and professional life.

For this, you’ll need  organized list or spreadsheet of all of your social media platforms indicating:

  • The name of the platform (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.)
  • The locations where you access it (phone, computer, tablet, etc.)
  • Your screen name
  • Your login credentials* or the location where you keep them

* Your login credentials should change frequently, which means you may need to update this information often. Rather than keeping your logins on paper or an unlocked spreadsheet, see if your digital password manager offers emergency account access. This allows you to set access for an individual’s email address if something happens to you. 

They can put in their credentials (as set by you), and you’ll be notified by email that they made an access attempt. If you’re still around, you’ll say, “Eeek! Why is the lothario I met on a cruise and married three days later trying to access my digital password manager?! I’m shutting this down and calling my attorney!” But if you take no action — because action is no longer something of which you’re capable — then they’ll gain access and be able to oversee handling/dismantling your accounts.

Once you figure out who is going to handle your digital social legacy, and have arranged for them to know where your accounts exist, there are different protocols for each platform.

Facebook Digital Legacy

One of the good things Mark Zuckerberg and company did was establish the idea of creating a Facebook legacy contact. Your legacy contact can be assigned to manage your main profile after you pass away, assuming the page has been memorialized. (You should set your memorialization preferences in your account. Anyone can request that a page be memorialized. If a request is put in, Facebook goes through a process of verifying that the person has passed away.)

A few notes: first, legacy contacts only apply to your main Facebook profile. Second, profiles don’t have to be memorialized. You can choose to have your profile deleted after you’re gone. Finally, if your legacy contact somehow doesn’t know you’ve passed but someone else requests that Facebook memorializes your account, your legacy contact will be notified by email and be able to set the rest of the process in motion.

Legacy contacts can’t actually log into your account, and thus can’t read any of your messages. They also can’t remove any of your friends or make new friend requests. A Facebook legacy contact isn’t pretending to be you, just managing your account on your behalf.

What can your Facebook legacy contact do?

  • Download a copy of what you’ve shared on Facebook, assuming you’ve turned this feature on. This is a nice way to create an archive of your digital life to pass down through your family, and guarantees access to photos and information even if Facebook eventually ceases to exist. (Note, if your digital designee is just logging in with your credentials, they can also download your archive, as just you can do at any time.)
  • Write a pinned post for your profile. This might be used to inform others that you’ve passed, share a final message, provide details about a memorial service, or otherwise speak to issues related to your legacy.
  • Update the cover photo and profile picture for your account. Consider discussing this, in advance, with your legacy contact or revisit this issue every few years, leaving instructions in a digital will where you might have a digital executor handle such things.
  • Request the removal of your Facebook account after a memorial period.

Also, be aware that your legacy contact can view all of your posts, even if you’ve ever created a post with the privacy set to Only Me. (I suspect most people are less likely to have “Only Me” posts where secret, private stuff exists. I mean, who would bother posting that to Facebook only to hide it? I assume most people use Only Me posts to draft posts, then forget to change the privacy setting. No? Just me?)

To add a legacy contact to your main Facebook profile, you can try to follow the official instructions here. There are instructions for whether you’re using a computer browser, iPhone app, or Android app, and there’s a “More” dropdown for help with the iPad app, mobile browsers, or Facebook “Lite.” The variety is the good news. The bad news? They’re out of date.

Unfortunately, when I painstakingly followed Facebook’s instructions for the computer browser (so I could verify them for you), I found that the settings Facebook said would be visible were not. Blerg.

I selected Settings & Privacy, then clicked Settings, and then was supposed to see General Profile Settings, from which I was to locate Memorialization Settings. But I never saw General Profile Settings, and none of the options I clicked yielded anything that looked like that. Ugh!

Sooooo, I followed the iPhone settings, and they were also not exact. However, I was able to noodle my way to what I needed, so I’m going to give you my own directions for using the iOS app to set your memorialization and legacy contact settings (and hope maybe Facebook’s Android directions are correct). 

  • Click on your face/avatar on the bottom right of the iOS Facebook app.
  • Scroll down to Settings & Privacy and then tap on Settings.
  • You’ll see the logo for Meta (Facebook’s parent company) and then Accounts Center. The first option is “Personal details.” Tap that. Weirdly, this will open the actual Accounts Center on a fresh screen. 
  • Scroll down to Personal Details (yes, again), and on the resulting page, click on Account Ownership and Control.
  • You will see “Memorialization” or “Deactivation or Deletion” as options. Select Memorialization. On the resulting page, you should be able to select Memorialization and your legacy contact. I’d set mine years ago, so my only options were to delete or change what I’d already created.

It’s frustrating that Facebook doesn’t make this easier, and more frustrating that their instruction pages fail to keep pace with their platform changes. Imagine how much more frustrating it would be if you waited decades and tried to deal with this while in poor health or declining cognitive capacity! 

Twitter (X) Digital Legacy

Twitter has become X (but almost nobody is actually calling it that); the documentation still says Twitter. And, unfortunately, Twitter/X does not have a formal legacy contact. Instead, your digital executor or representative will have to contact Twitter directly to delete your account. (Twitter does not have memorialized accounts.)

Twitter/X is very clear that, “We are unable to provide account access to anyone regardless of their relationship to the deceased.” So, if you don’t provide login credentials for your account to your loved ones, they will not be able to archive your posts. If there’s any chance that your family will want to archive the content of your account, they should follow these steps:

  1. On your Twitter/X account page, navigate to settings. (In the browser, click on “More” at the bottom of the left-side column, and Settings & Support will be your last option. In iOS, click on your face/avatar, scroll down, and Settings & Support will be the last option.)
  2. Click on Settings and Privacy.
  3. Click on Your Account.
  4. Click on Download an Archive of Your Data. You may have to re-confirm your password or send a code shared to you by email or text.

Note: if your designee has access to your account credentials to do all of the above, they can also follow steps 1-3 above and then select Deactivate Your Account.

To close your Twitter/X account (without access to login credentials), someone will need to submit a request for the removal of a deceased user’s account. 

They’ll need to go to the Twitter deactivation page and select “I need help deactivating and account owned by a person who is incapacitated, or deceased” and then select “The owner of the account is deceased.” They’ll then fill in the remainder of the form with their name and contact information, relationship to you (the account owner), and the Twitter account name.  

Allegedly (because we’ve all heard stories about how things are going at Twitter/X these days), your designee will be emailed instructions for providing more details, including information about themselves (including proof of identification) and a copy of the death certificate, in order to process deletion of the account.

Instagram Digital Legacy

Instagram is a Facebook-owned platform, so you have the same options as with Facebook, to have your account memorialized or deleted after you pass away.

Mystifyingly, however, Instagram does not allow you to make your selections while you are still living! Rather, to have your Instagram account memorialized or removed, if your designees does not have access to your login credentials, they’ll have to follow a similar process to Twitter’s and furnish proof that they are your verified representative and that you have passed on.

This page explains how to request memorializing an Instagram account. They will start by filling out this Instagram form for memorialization or this form for deletion and provide information about themselves and the deceased, including uploading a copy of a death certificate.

As with other platforms, if your designee has access to your login credentials, they can log in as you to download and archive your entire account for posterity. Of course, as with most social accounts, you can do this periodically on your own. I don’t really use Instagram, so my entire account activity is visible on one screen.

TikTok Digital Legacy

If you only use TikTok as a source of viewable entertainment, you may not care what happens with your account. Still, I’d advise you to have your digital executor log in with your credentials and close your account via these steps:

  1. Tap your Profile icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Now tap the three horizontal lines (sometimes colloquially called the hamburger) at the top right of the screen. 
  3. Select Settings and Privacy.
  4. Select Account. (The official instructions say to tap “Manage Your Account” but that appears to be an outdated choice.)
  5. Select Deactivate or Delete Your Account and confirm your selection.

On that same account screen, the next option down lets you choose Download Your Data; they’ll get an archive of your profile, activity, and app settings. However, the format options are TXT (human-readable) or JSON (machine-readable) files, so your loved ones will be able to see random comments you made, but not the cute videos you watched.

If you are a TikTok creator, note that there are no memorialization options. Your digital legacy contact can (as described above) act as you, with your credentials. It’s not uncommon to see someone’s parent or spouse appear on TikTok, explaining that the account holder has passed away. However, without access to those credentials, there’s no way to alert someone’s TikTok followers and fans that they are gone.

This is problematic because many TikTok creators use their accounts to earn money. Left unattended, an account (and the resultant earnings) could be hacked, and imposters could use the account to scam followers. To prevent this, and to ensure any monetization of existing videos is protected, this is one account where making sure your loved ones have your credentials and can access your account may protect not only your creative legacy, but your financial one as well.

LinkedIn Legacy Contact

Perhaps because LinkedIn is designed for professionals, you’d expect that more thought would be put into protecting account-holders’ legacies. I was disappointed, however, to find out that LinkedIn does not allow you to set a legacy contact in advance, nor can you arrange for page memorialization for yourself.

(This is LinkedIn’s official example of a memorialized account. Research indicates, and I hope, that this is not an actual person’s memorialized account.)

Your designee can contact LinkedIn, however, to arrange to memorialize your profile or close it. For either option, they must fill in a form verifying their standing to act on your behalf and providing proof of your passing.

It’s important to note that unlike (for example) Facebook’s memorialization practice, a legacy contact or representative can’t add a tribute or post explaining what has transpired. Instead, LinkedIn locks the account.

Still, there are significant benefits to LinkedIn’s memorialization process. They place a memorialization badge on the profile page as a symbol of remembrance. They also cancel all LinkedIn products (except Apple-related subscriptions), terminate connections to third-party services and close mobile and desktop sessions (so nobody can sneak into the deceased’s office or home computer to access account information).

LinkedIn also stops sending notifications to the decedent (so the loved one handling their email won’t have to deal with junk mail) and ceases sending notifications about them (re: birthdays, work anniversaries, etc.) to members of their network. The person who died will stop popping up in automated sections of the site, like “People you may know” and “recommended connections.” If you’ve ever been startled to see the name and likeness of someone who has passed away show up on your Facebook or Twitter account unexpectedly, you know how much a relief LinkedIn’s approach could be.


Social media accounts are just the beginning of your non-financial digital legacy. Next time, we’re going to look at how you can set up your Legacy Contact for your Apple ID account and an Inactive Account Manager (and Trusted Contact) for your Google accounts

I’ll also share a bevy of resources for helping you manage accounts for those who have passed and make things easier for directing your own digital legacy.

Posted on: July 31st, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 12 Comments


Quite often, when people talk about tools for getting organized and productive, they talk about the way products look. However, if you’ve been a longtime reader of Paper Doll, you know that I’m a firm believer in focusing on function rather than aesthetics. No matter how pretty or spiffy or intriguing a product looks, if it doesn’t work well, and help you work well, then it’s a bit pointless.

That doesn’t mean I don’t recognize the psychological value of how things appear. For example, I’ve talked about how color can play a motivational role:

Cool and Colorful Desktop Solutions to Organize Your Workspace

Paper Doll Adds a Pop of Color with Bright & Sunny Office Supplies

Ask Paper Doll: Should I Organize My Space and Time with Color?

Organize Your Days With a Little Color

For me, I can’t resist things in the pink and purple range. I’ve written before about how I am a steadfast adherent to my Roaring Spring purple legal pads, and I have a purple iPhone and iMac.

Almost anything I can purchase (for the same price as the bland and boring version), I’m likely to acquire in pink or purple. As much as I try to avoid duplication, even though I have a lovely pink Swingline stapler that is perfectly serviceable,

when a generous colleague gifted me a pink Mustard-brand Bunny stapler, I couldn’t resist keeping it in my office space, too. (And yes, I do make “boing-boing-boing” sounds effects when I use the bunny stapler. Need you ask?)


In Gretchen Rubin‘s latest book, Life in Five Senses:  How Exploring the Senses Got Me Out of My Head and Into the World, which I’m currently reading, she calls attention to all of the ways


we can enrich our lives by exploring sensory experiences. In each chapter, Rubin walks through quirky personal quests as well as scientific experiments to illustrate how making ourselves more deeply aware of each of the senses can have an impact on the richness of our lives.

I still stand by the idea that function must come first, but I grant that by enmeshing the visual aesthetic with how something functions, it can make us much more likely to not only use, but embrace, items designed to make us more productive. 

Intriguingly, as I’ve been reading Rubin’s book (and particularly during the section on sight), I’ve noticed what seems like a trend (but may just be an example of the frequency illusion or the Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon): an upswing in translucent and transparent office supplies.

Admittedly, this may not be a trend or a set of coincidental examples, but a freaky confluence of all of the social media algorithms talking to one another. Perhaps TikTok recognizes I’ve repeatedly paused to look at the ad for the Temu translucent calendars and has shared that with Twitter (I refuse to call it “X”), Facebook, and those ad insertion companies during their daily coffee klatches.

Whatever the reason for the translucent and transparent items, it hasn’t been a sign of a return to stark, boring, black and white (or grey) products; rather, it feels like the deep dive into color-free supplies is creating a more dazzling aesthetic. Of course, in each case, users get to add color in their own preferred ways. Perhaps that’s the advantage of going color-free, to be able to transcend a pre-created intellectual/emotional connection and impose your own?

In any case, the following are some of the products that have been capturing my attention lately. 


The product that most fits my inclination toward goal-conquering office supplies was the translucent Russell + Hazel Acrylic Clear & Gold Weekly Calendar.

The wall-mounted weekly calendar has seven columns for each day of the week (marked in thin white lines). It measures 24″ wide by 10″ high, weighs three pounds, has gold-tone accents, and is available from The Container Store for $49.99. (It’s sold out at Russell + Hazel which is just as well, as they were charging $114!)

The calendar is shown above with other translucent Russell + Hazel products, including an acrylic clear rail for $29.99, which is designed to hold associated wall organizers, including a wall mail box, pencil/pen holder and more. However, I’m more fond of the translucent office supplies that organize your thoughts and information than those that organize tangible stuff.

The Container Store Luxe Acrylic Magnetic Monthly Calendar takes the approach from weekly to monthly with a 14-inch square, clear, acrylic calendar. 

Four low-profile magnets hold the calendar securely in place on any steel surface. (Remember: magnets generally don’t work on stainless steel appliances!)

There’s a narrow horizontal strip at the top — circle whatever month it currently is. Next, mark the dates in the appropriate squares of the month. Use it as a family command center, a bill-payment reminder screen, or a project calendar. The Luxe Acrylic Magnetic Monthly Calendar is equally appropriate for kitchens, offices, dorm rooms, or workshops.

It’s designed by, and sold at, The Container Store, for $19.99.

The calendar comes with a white dry marker, but you could similarly use a wet-erase marker or a colored or metallic liquid chalk marker.


These are just a few examples of the magnetic approach. I’m inclined to only purchase from companies and brands with which I’m fairly familiar, so even though I originally became aware of these products via too-tempting “TikTok Made Me Buy It” spots from online shops like Temu and “Amazon Home Finds” videos (all similar except for their “thought influencer” spokespersons), I’ve not yet made the jump.

If you’re not as persnickety as I am, Amazon has a variety of copycat brands of these types of calendars from lines like ZochovhiAitee, SinPan, NeatSure, YeWink, and more. (This is the Zochovhi, but they all seem largely interchangeable.)


Unfortunately, Amazon’s product videos aren’t shareable in the manner of their product photos, so you might want to visit YouTube and search “acrylic magnetic calendars” to see them in action.

All of these seem to be fairly similar, ranging from slightly under 16″ x 12″ to just about 17″ x 12″, and vary in price from $16 to $22. Most seem to come with anywhere from three to eight colored dry-erase markers, and some include similarly-sized clear acrylic boards (suitable for lists/notes/messages).

Perhaps you’d like a clear calendar but prefer something on a grander scale? Girl Friday has what you’re seeking.

These acrylic calendars give you the ultimate big-picture view, whether you’re scheduling your busy life, your family’s activities, or your work team’s projects. These big calendars use professionally-cut acrylic and are printed on the back of the acrylic. This means you never have to worry about the printing coming off due to excessive wear. Even better, you have a choice of black or white print, allowing for the best contrast depending on the color of your walls behind the boards.

In addition to a horizontal strip of months above the calendar block (so you can mark which month you’re in), there’s a right-side panel for tracking specific activities or important information for the current week. (If you prefer a calendar without the right-side weekly panel, the three middle sizes below can be purchased as calendar-only for the same prices, per size, listed.)

There are five different Girl Friday calendar sizes. Note that the larger landscape means a higher price than the small products previously mentioned, but the quality here is superior. Pricing is as follows:

  • 18″ wide X 15″ high (The writing area for each day is 2″ X 2 1/4″.) — $95 black text/$89 white text
  • 23″ wide X 18.5″ high (The writing area for each day is 2 1/2” x 2 1/2”.) — $135 black text/$125 white text
  • 31″ wide X 23″ high (The writing area for each day is 3 1/8” x 3 1/2”.) — $200 black or white text
  • 35″ wide X 23″ high with thicker acrylic (The writing area for each day is 3 1/2” x 3 1/2”.) — $325 black text/$295 white text
  • 42″ wide X 27″ tall with thicker acrylic (The writing area for each day is 4 3/8” x 4 1/4″.) — $385 black or white text

The acrylic measures 3/16″ thick for the three smaller sizes and 3/8″ thick for the two larger sizes.

You can pick from high-quality silver, gold, or black hardware, and Girl Friday promises clear instructions on how to hang the calendars on your wall. (Note well: these are non-magnetic!)

One wet-erase marker is included. While you can use either wet- or dry-erase markers, Girl Friday recommends wet-erase to provide darker and more precise writing.

Girl Friday also has a wide variety of fridge-sized, magnetic, clear acrylic calendars, menu boards, shopping lists, and weekly note boards. They also sell standard and customizable boards for business use.


Just as with clear, acrylic, magnetic calendars, you can find a variety of memo boards similar in style.

The Container Store Luxe Acrylic Magnetic Memo Board feels like a real find at $9.99. It measures 6″ wide by 9″ high (though, obviously, you could flip it 90°).

While they tend to show it off on a fridge, it seems like the perfect low-price, low-key way to track reminders and notes in lieu of an old-fashioned memo board. You can imagine it stuck to the side of a file cabinet in the office or on any of the steel/metal surfaces (including doors) in a dorm. Made of durable clear acrylic, it nonetheless has a flexibility that allows it to fit on somewhat curved surfaces, like those newfangled fridges.

I’d like it for tracking daily to-dos in the office, but it’s suitable for serving as a household message center, a make-sure-you-have-it-before-you-leave checklist for kids or grownups, or a reminder space. Use the included white dry marker, a wet erase marker, or (if you like to get fancy), a liquid chalk marker. The magnetic backing will stay secure to any steel surface.

If you’d prefer a desktop-top memo board, the Russell + Hazel Acrylic Memo Tablet has a more sophisticated, classy appeal, and can be used in a greater variety of spaces and ways.

  • Leave it on the kitchen counter so everyone can add items to the grocery list (as above).
  • Keep it on your desk to focus on your top three tasks of the day.
  • Use it in lieu of sticky notes to capture thoughts throughout your workday.
  • Leave important numbers for the babysitter in big, highly visible writing.
  • Place it on the front hall table with greetings and instructions for when the kids get home from school.
  • Move it around the house to use in visible spots — the center of the breakfast table, the front hall table, the counter as you all head to the garage — with motivating quotes for the day.
  • Place it in the center of the hors d’oeuvres at your next party, labeling dishes and drawing areas to clearly note which is which.

The acrylic memo tablet measures 12″ high by 11.5″ wide and stands at an angle in the 6″-deep acrylic base (which includes a nested area to place the white wet-erase marker that comes with it). 

The Acrylic Memo Tablet is available for $40 directly from the Russell + Hazel websiteAmazon, and Target, and for $38 from Barnes & Noble.


The problem with looking at cute products online is that we don’t always think deeply about how they’ll fit into our spaces. The biggest difficulty with a translucent calendar or memo board on the wall is that anything with white writing (and most of these are formatted with white text) will be unsuitable if the background wall, cabinet, or fridge is also white. Using colored dry- or wet-erase markers or liquid chalk markers will allow the text you create to be visible, but not the pre-created text or lines.

If you’re set on these clear calendars or memo boards but have white vertical surfaces, you do have options, depending on how DIY you are. (Paper Doll is not DIY at all. As some of you have heard me say, my hands only excel at typing and applying eyeliner; otherwise, I’m hopeless.) For the magnetic versions, you can cut a piece of construction paper or solid-colored wrapping paper and affix it to the fridge, cabinet, or metal door. The magnets of the calendars/ memo boards should hold the background paper neatly in place. (I’d discourage using anything with a pattern, as it’s likely to make it harder to read whatever’s written on the acrylic board.)

For non-metal backgrounds where you’ll be affixing the item directly to the wall, like the Russell + Hazel Acrylic Clear & Gold Weekly Calendar or the Girl Friday boards, you won’t be dealing with magnets, so your most labor-intensive option will be to paint the wall behind the calendar or affix it to a colorful wooden board or similar surface. (It’s not a choice I’d make, but you do you!) 

Consider these issues before making purchases. 

Again, I know there are all sorts of lucite and acrylic boxes, drawers, and containers for tangible stuff, but today’s post centered on using these kinds of products to corral thoughts and information. If you’ve got other favorites in this category, please share in the comments!

If we can see our way clear to finding products that inspire us, perhaps we’ll clearly see how to accomplish our goals!

Posted on: July 17th, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 17 Comments

The following anecdote from inspirational teacher, speaker, and author John Perricone has been making the rounds on the web:

Several years ago, I invited a Buddhist monk to speak to my senior elective class, and quite interestingly, as he entered the room, he didn’t say a word. (That caught everyone’s attention). He just walked to the board and wrote this:


We all laughed. But then he went on to say this to my students: “Statistically, it’s highly unlikely that any of you will ever have the opportunity to run into a burning orphanage and rescue an infant. But, in the smallest gesture of kindness — a warm smile, holding the door for the person behind you, shoveling the driveway of the elderly person next door — you have committed an act of immeasurable profundity, because to each of us, our life is our universe.”

This is my hope for you for the New Year, that by your smallest acts of kindness, you will save another’s world.

Recently, I’ve had small acts of kindness on my mind. Some friends, both near and far, have been going through difficult times, and it has had me thinking about what I can do for them, especially when I’m not close enough to help do the dishes.

Dishwashing Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

Most of the time, our goal in getting organized it to make our lives easier and prevent unfortunate things from happening. However, sometimes, through nobody’s fault, bad things happen. People get sick or injured, or family member die, or people just go through dark times, and no matter how organized they were (or we were on their behalf), life gets upended.

When that happens, when a family member or friend is in bad shape and everyone has to pull together to help take care of that individual or their family, organization is the key to making everything a little less chaotic

In today’s post, we’re going to look at some strategies and resources for helping when someone you know is sick or injured or recovering, and they or their household could use a little support.


We can’t presume to know what someone else needs, even if we’ve been in the same situation, or even if we’ve helped that same person before.

An organizing client recently told me that she and her husband had needed little assistance after the birth of their first child, but experienced profound difficulties after their second was born prematurely. She was in the hospital for an extended ime, and the baby was in the NICU for months after that.

After the first birth, she needed only a little errand-running and someone to sit with the baby so she could shower or nap. After the second, she and her husband felt exhausted and overwhelmed, and needed support for everything from meals and childcare to housekeeping and someone to check if they’d paid the bills.

Most people will welcome some assistance, while others struggle with the idea of letting well-intentioned others make arrangements. So, talk to them or their caregiver to get a sense of what kind of support they will need, want, and accept. Common categories of assistance might include:

  • Grocery shopping — Depending on the individual’s or family’s preference, you may perform a weekly inventory and create a shopping list to share with others helping to cook, or you might help the family set-up and learn how to use online grocery shopping apps and arrange for delivery by someone in the support network.
  • Cooking — Whether you’re helping with meal preparation in the home, or cooking at your house and delivering, ensure that everyone’s dietary preferences and restrictions are considered. It does nobody any good to have a freezer full of pasta-based casseroles if someone has a gluten sensitivity. (As much as everyone is environmentally conscious, this is one time when using disposable containers to lessen inconvenience should be considered.)  
  • Cleaning — When you don’t feel well, messy or dirty surroundings will make everything worse. Imagine the relief of a clean bathroom and a tidy kitchen for someone spending most of their time at home or in medical settings.
  • Childcare and transportation to/from school and extracurriculars — This might be a good fit for friends who are parents of the children’s classmates, but don’t forget to invite  “aunties” and “uncles,” relatives or not. When things are stressful at home, whether there’s an illness or a new baby, getting a special day out with grownup who isn’t a parent or grandparent can make a child feel valued and like a VIP. 
  • Errand-running — Having someone who can dependably pick up prescriptions or make store returns ensures that the household can still run (somewhat) smoothly without daily stressors.
  • Pet care — Fido and Fluffy may not be able to talk about their feelings, but you know they sense that something is going on. Some people in the support network might limit their efforts to feeding and cleaning up after pets, while others might be up for taking pets on an adventure to the dog park or the groomer.

Toddler Walking Dog by Robert Eklund on Unsplash

  • Transportation to medical appointments — Imagine how uplifting it would be have a trusted friend take you to your appointments and feel, even for a little while, like the company you’re keeping with them is just a normal excursion!
  • Serving as a scribe during medical appointments — Being ill is stressful, and it’s hard to focus when you’re not feeling physically and/or mentally at your best. Having a trusted, confidential friend available to take notes, and maybe even to ask questions if you see they’re looking confused, could be a huge comfort. (It’s a plus if the person has any medical background, like a retired nurse or PA, but in a pinch, you’d be surprised how much someone picks up watching two decades of Grey’s Anatomy.)
  • Acting as entertaining/distracting company during chemo or other treatments, and during convalescence. Again, whatever someone can do to make a moment or an hour feel “normal” might be a blessing.
  • Emotional support, both for the person and their caregiver(s) — This is an especially good category for loved ones who live at a distance. Having someone in the Pacific Time Zone who’s awake and able to offer a shoulder when everyone in your time zone is asleep gives patients (and their families) the chance get what they need without feeling burdensome. Encourage people who can’t participate in more formal support schedules or visit in person to be there however they can, even if that’s a card or a texted meme. 

Read about others way to help.

How to Help Someone Who is Sick (An impressive list from the Kansas Health System)

How Not to Help a Friend in Need (New York Times)

50 Thoughtful Gift Ideas & Gestures for a Friend in Need (

Do not just ask, “What can I do?”

This puts the onus on someone whose mental reserves are already taxed to try to conceptualize what they need and try to feel comfortable asking for a favor. Instead, your goal is to to say, “Here are the things we’ve thought of. What are you comfortable letting us do? Is there anything we’ve forgotten that we could add to the list?”


Even if you’re the sibling, the in-law, or the best friend, you can’t do it alone. If someone you love is going through any kind of illness, treatment, or recovery, or is otherwise in a difficult position (for example, is in grief or suffering depression), you can’t be the magic wand that solves all the problems. What you can be is a project manager so that, together, you can all maneuver that wand to make a little comforting magic.

Gather your community.

With the permission of your loved one and/or their partner or caregiver, reach out to friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues to see who is willing and able to help. Use social media, email, texts, or phone calls to inform people what you’re trying to do and why, and ask for their support.

Make clear that you’d much rather someone take on a smaller role and be able to contribute than to take on too much and not be able to provide what’s promised when the time comes. 

Don’t presume that everyone is equally skilled and comfortable with all tasks. Provide a list of the tasksto be completed, and ask individuals to state where and when they’re able to help. People who love to cook will find it easy to “make double” when preparing meals, while those with flexible schedules and a love of kids will probably be eager to play taxi from school to ballet or soccer and then home.

Coordinate a schedule.

Once you have a group of people who are ready to help, you’ll want to establish a schedule that ensures the person you’re supporting receives consistent help without overwhelming any one individual.

This may involve setting up rotating shifts for different categories of tasks or assigning specific days to different people. Some in the network will have a great deal of flexibility while others can only help on weekends or evenings. Meet people where they are.

Communicate clearly.

Once everyone is on-board with providing support, select a method to ensure clear and open communication.

Rotary Phone by Sam Loyd on Unsplash

Different people (and definitely different generations) have decidedly varying communications preferences. Boomers and retirees might not mind phone calls, while GenZ and Millennials (and folks with jobs that require a lot of intense focus) are more likely to prefer texting or emails, so they can reply at their convenience. Create a master list with everyone’s name, phone number, email number, and preferred contact method, and if everyone is amenable, share it as a spreadsheet in Google Drive or a note in Evernote. 

Sometimes, you’ll want to communicate with the entire group rather than individuals, and email might work best. There are also online platforms (as we’ll discuss below) to help develop support calendars, allowing individuals to sign up for the tasks and times that work best for them.

Communicate with the person/family, too. If people are going to be showing up to drop off food, make sure they know the schedule, and get the OK for how things get delivered or accomplished. They may prefer that nobody come to the house before 10 a.m., or that meal deliveries come to the side/back door (which may be easier for a recovering person to access), or that they get a text ten minutes in advance of anyone showing up.

Remember the importance of privacy and confidentiality.

I can tell you from first-hand experience that being a patient, whether for an acute condition or a chronic one, means having to give up far too much privacy and dignity. Remind and encourage everyone involved to respect the individual’s confidentiality. Someone may feel great about having delivered three days of meals to the family and want to share that warm fuzzy on social media, but nobody’s humblebrag should come at the expense of another person’s privacy.

Of course, it should go without saying that only the individual you’re supporting (or, if applicable, the family) should be sharing medical updates (unless a proxy is asked to do so).

Consider crowdsourcing professional support.

Depending on the individual’s needs, the support community may want to provide funds to help accomplish professional work when the individual in crisis is unable to perform their usual tasks. Help might include a professional organizer for household functionality, a daily money manager to keep up with finances, or an academic tutor for the children.

Your network might want to gift the individual in-home massages or salon services (manicures, hair/scalp care, skin care, etc.) to boost their spirits and support their physical well-being.

Embrace flexibility.

As you likely know, health conditions can be unpredictable and do not abide by the calendar. Be prepared to adapt and reconfigure the support schedules as needs change. 


There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of resources that can complement the efforts you’re already making.

Meal and Support Scheduling Platforms

Caring Bridge — One of the best-known platforms of its kind, Caring Bridge exists to help provide updates during a health crisis. It’s like a cross between a personalized web site and social media in that family or assigned parties can create posts updating someone’s health status and needs, and others can provide supportive comments. However, Caring Bridge also has a planner that allows volunteers to offer help with all the categories described above. 

Caring Bridge is free to use, has no advertising, and is a non-profit.

Meal Train — This calendar platform lets family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues sign up to provide meals for the person/family in need. It takes a lot of the administrative weight off of whomever is project-managing the family’s support, and Meal Train provides a straightforward way to organize and coordinate meal deliveries to ensure that the patient is getting nourishment and that the household isn’t eating takeout pizza for weeks on end. 

  • Create a free Meal Train page for the person/family whom you’re supporting. 
  • Enter the dates when meals will be needed.
  • Fill in all of the preferences including favorite foods, food allergies/sensitivities, and the ideal drop-off times to avoid disturbing the patient or family.
  • Share the Meal Train link with everyone in the support network so they can sign up to provide meals.

Members of the support network might benefit from reading some of Meal Train’s helpful articles, like:

11 Trips: Meal Train Etiquette for the Savvy Participant

6 Tips for Delivering your Meal

When Dropping Off a Meal, Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Although Meal Train is free, there’s a Pro level for $15/month for groups that might need to oversee multiple support pages. For example, if your house of worship or community group makes a point of supporting families in need, Meal Train Pro is an option.

Lotsa Helping Hands — is similar to Caring Bridge and Meal Train in that it supports the creation of a caregiving community. You can organize and coordinate all of the cooking, cleaning, errand-running and other tasks described earlier in this post, and individuals can sign up to provide support based on the person’s/family’s specific needs and each individual’s capacity.

The platform includes a care calendar for volunteers to sign up for tasks, an announcement page for updating everyone on progress or setbacks, a “well wishes” pages for sending messages to the patient and family, and a photo gallery for sharing supportive pictures. 

Specialized Platforms

Not everyone makes an ideal volunteer for providing meals. But just because you (by which I mean I) can’t cook doesn’t mean you can’t provide a meal. Sure, you can use a service like Door Dash or GrubHub to dial up a person’s favorite restaurant meal and have it delivered, but sometimes you want a person to have a real home-cooked meal, even if you know they’re better off not having it cooked in your home.

To that end, I was delighted to discover Lasagna Love.

Lasagna Love provides delicious lasagnas for those in need. It might be for a patient, a family who has had a new baby, or even for someone you know who is just going through a really rough patch. Lasagna Love is a bit of a community, itself. You can:

The site describes its efforts this way (emphasis mine):

Lasagna Love is a global nonprofit and grassroots movement that aims to positively impact communities by connecting neighbors with neighbors through homemade meal delivery. We also seek to eliminate stigmas associated with asking for help when it is needed most. Our mission is simple: feed families, spread kindness, and strengthen communities.

Something tells me that the Buddhist monk in John Perricone’s classroom would approve. After all, if you’re making the lasagna for someone who needs it, it’s goes one step beyond helping Mom do the dishes. It’s may be a small act of kindness, but one with huge potential results. 

If you think you’d like to become a lasagna chef, learn how to get involved at the website and take a peek at the simple graphic, below.

Make lasagna once or become an ongoing lasagna chef or find a balance somewhere in between. Hear more directly from Rhiannon Menn, the founder:

While Lasagna Love was a brand new concept to me, the next resource is the one I’ve known about the longest, and have been gratified to recommend it to clients and others who have sought referrals.

Cleaning for a Reason — This 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization provides free home cleaning to patients battling cancer.

Cleaning for a Reason connects its trusted network of 1200 residential cleaning companies, cleaning industry volunteers, and community volunteers with cancer patients and their families to provide a clean, healthy environment.

Patients or their loved ones can apply for two free home-cleaning sessions and use this page to find a service provider. Cleaning for a Reason serves all individuals and families with any type of cancer, and patients are eligible if they’re recovering from cancer surgery, in cancer treatment, or in hospice care.

Cleaning for a Reason allows applications to be submitted by family, friends, and colleagues, as well as caregivers, doctors, and nurse navigators, but asks that you first verify that the patient is willing to accept the services.

Hear more from the founder, Debbie Sardone:

You can read about the program at the Cleaning for a Reason site and on the Facebook page.  

If someone you care about is ill or going through a difficult time, anything you do to let them know they are loved and valued will help. However, if you’re able to project-manage or volunteer by providing organized and consistent support, it will make a significant difference in their well-being during challenging times.

Whether you do the dishes, make a lasagna, organize the troops, or come armed with two boxes of tissues, it’s worth repeating: “By your smallest acts of kindness, you will save another’s world.”

Posted on: July 10th, 2023 by Julie Bestry | 12 Comments

The year is now officially half over. Have you used many of your paid vacation days? Have you used any of your vacation days?

One of the signs of toxic productivity is the sense that there’s always more work to do, more things to accomplish, and that vacation time will always be there. But the human mind needs rest just as much as the body, and going without both rest and recreation is a recipe for disaster.


Going without time off is called vacation deprivation, and according to Expedia’s 2023 Global Deprivation Report, Americans take 8-1/2 fewer vacation days than our global cousins, and nearly half (45%) of Americans left vacation days untaken last year. And that’s on top of the fact that we already receive fewer paid vacation days than most of the industrialized world.

Of course, even those who have vacation days and value the time off have been squeamish about traveling. (I’ll admit, I’m one of them.) COVID is still out there, and inflation means our hard-earned pennies don’t go as far.

Still, a staycation often doesn’t feel like a vacation, and getting out of Dodge for a while is a great opportunity to reset your perspective. So, let’s at least look at some options for saving time time and money and making the travel experience less stressful.

Of course, Paper Doll has covered travel-related topics before. Back in 2018, I wrote Paper Doll’s 5 Essential Lists For Planning an International Vacation.

For what it’s worth, it’s almost entirely applicable to domestic travel, too, and covers lists of:

  • What to acquire for your trip
  • What clothing and accessories to pack
  • What other essentials to pack
  • What to do before you leave
  • Important phrases (admittedly, the most “international” of the lists)

For those who prefer to listen rather than read, much of the material covered was included in two interviews I did on the (much-missed) Smead podcast, embedded in Paper Doll on the Smead Podcast: Essential Lists For Organized Travel.

Today’s post is more along the lines of “travel tidbits,” a collection of nifty options for making travel situations more organized so you can focus your attention on relaxation.


Let’s start with stuff. As you prepare to travel, you gather a lot of stuff to keep handy — to watch, to use, to eat. But it’s not always convenient to access it.


Have you ever tried to set up an iPad so you and your traveling companion (or your tussling tiny humans) can watch a movie

Have you ever tried to eat a meal balanced on your lap in the boarding area because there were no tables near the restaurants, but there were also no tables at your gate?

Do you know what’s is like to struggle to find something in your bag but there’s no place to put the items as you take out and sort through them?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a desktop space when you’re traveling? But obviously, you don’t want to schlep around an actual desk when flying, and those beanbag-bottom laptop desk surfaces designed for when you’re sitting on your couch aren’t really workable in those teeny airport chairs. But I’ve recently found what seems like a nifty solution.

The goDesk lets you transform your rolling bag into a desk/entertainment center. 

Taking advantage of the fact that almost all modern luggage pieces, particularly carry-ons, have those collapsible/telescoping handles, the goDesk can attach to your bags telescoping handle in seconds. It gives you enough desk space to securely hold a full-sized laptop, your airport meal, your child’s tablet, or the contents of your tumbled purse.

Later, when you’re ready to board, use the on/off release knob, and goDesk detaches in seconds. It’s got a slim profile, so you can just slide it in your outer luggage pocket.

The goDesk’s unique lock/latch system makes it compatible with most 4-wheel carry-on roller luggage, and it supports up to 12 pounds. The whole unit measures 11 1/2″ wide x 10″deep  x 7/8″ high (with a 10″ x 10″ desktop surface) and ways only one pound.

There’s a flip-up media stand to use with iPads and other tablets, smart phones, or small books/notebooks, and a slide-out cup holder so you don’t have to worry about your beverage wobbling and spilling on the desktop surface (or your pricey devices).

The goDesk is made in the USA with TSA-approved materials and comes with a one-year warranty. It’s available from the goDesk website for $39.95 and ships with 2-3 day delivery. 


The first time I ever did any significant traveling without my family was when I was in college. I was going to be working on a special school-sponsored project in San Francisco. Although I had a debit card and a credit card, Paper Mommy took me to AAA to get American Express-backed travelers checks, where I dutifully filled out forms and signed the checks and registered them. I was told I would then countersign them when I used them to purchase anything, and if they were lost, I could easily get them replaced, just as Karl Malden promised in all those commercials.

I don’t know anyone who uses travelers checks anymore. Most of the time, you’re going to use a credit or debit card, or something like ApplePay from the wallet in your smart phone using magic technology. But sometimes, you want to have cash on hand, whether to tip a bellhop or give money to a talented busker or just pay in local currency.

The problem? When you aren’t getting cash from your own bank’s ATM, you’re likely to have to deal with an ATM surcharge fee. However, there are a few ways around that problem.

ATM Fees/Surcharges

In the US, different ATM machines (whether they are associated with banks or not) are affiliated with ATM networks. If you look on the back of your ATM card, you’ll see the network in which it participates, and there should not be a fee if you use an ATM that is also part of that network. So, if your bank uses STAR, or PULSE, or PLUS and you find an ATM in that network, there shouldn’t be a fee. However, it’s going to take some digging to get that information and locate the right ATM, and that will add frustration and take time out of your precious vacation. 

ATM Keypad Photo by Eduardo Soares on Unsplash

Luckily, there are a few options to quickly identify which ATMs do not have surcharge fees.

The Allpoint Network has more than 55,000 fee-free ATMs. Download the app or use the website. Enter your zip code, and the Allpoint search will identify which ATMs in your vicinity do not charge a fee. Scroll through the map or list to find an ATM near your current location or in the neighborhood of where you’re planning to be. (Note: the app has a geolocator function, so you don’t have to type in your zip code, which is convenient when you’re traveling in a strange city and don’t necessarily know the zip code.)   

Similarly, you can use the ATM locator on the MoneyPass website. Type in your zip code and then click on the “Search options” button. From the drop-down, make sure “All Surcharge-Free ATMs” is checked. (Other options include deposit-taking ATMs, handicapped-accessible ATMs, and 24-hour ATMs.) You’ll be able to see your options on a map and in a list.

If you’re traveling abroad and want cash, it can be especially frustrating, as surcharges may vary from non-existent to upwards of $8. (If you have to pay a flat fee rather than a percentage, consider taking out more money but less often so you won’t be drained by excess fees.)

For foreign ATM withdrawals, try ATM Fee Saver, available in 40 countries in North, South, and Central America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. ATM Fee Saver’s app is available for iOS and Android. The site also has a great blog with travel-related financial advice, like this one on the 9 best ways to save foreign ATM fees.


Traveling with a disability can up-end all kinds of travel plans. Whether you’re traveling with service animals, need alternative security measures (for example, if you have an implanted or attached medical advice), or will need a wheelchair or other accommodations at your destination, you’ll need to plan ahead.

To ensure that you’re getting all the right information you need, be sure to review the following resources:

Traveling with a Disability (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) — This covers a wide variety of tasks, like contacting your physician in advance of your travel to ensure you have destination-specific care, acquiring MedicAlert jewelry or other notification-bearing items, to specialized considerations for air and cruise travel.

Traveling with a Disability (U.S. Department of Transportation) — This includes the Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights and other helpful information.

Travel: Tips for People with Disabilities (

10 Tips for Traveling With Physical Disabilities (Travel Channel)

Traveling abroad with disabilities: Here’s a post-pandemic guide (USA Today)

How to Travel with Invisible Disabilities (AARP)

6 Tour Companies Dedicated to Travelers with Disabilities (Condé Nast Traveler)

Speaking of disabilities, it’s been really gratifying to learn that great strides are being made in helping travelers living with invisible disabilities.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, invisible or hidden disabilities can refer to any type of disability that is not obvious. If you see a person in a wheelchair, using crutches, or walking with a white cane, that’s a visible disability. Invisible disabilities may relate to physical concerns that are not immediately apparent (anything from deafness to asthma, heart conditions to diabetes). But they may not be primarily physical in nature — consider Alzheimer’s, aphasia, dyslexia, autism, etc. Any of these can make traveling problematic.

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program

Recently, I was fascinated to learn about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program. This program provides lanyards with yellow sunflowers on green backgrounds to alert airport and airline workers that the person wearing one might need some extra time or assistance. Imagine how much easier it would be to have people trained to look for the lanyard rather than always having to jockey in line to request assistance for yourself or someone with whom you’re traveling!

The key is that you don’t need to disclose your specific disability to get a lanyard, nor does the lanyard say why you need help, because “why?” is beside the point. Instead, workers are trained to recognize that individiuals wearing the lanyards may need help, support, or additional time, and should ask, “How may I help?”

That said, individuals can personalize the card (for purchase at a small fee) for their lanyard with up to five different icons (of 25 available) to help identify the kind of assistance they may need. For example:

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower initially launched at the UK’s Gatwick Airport in 2016. The program has now grown to include about 216 airports worldwide in 30 nations, including 93 here in the United States (of which 19 will be launching the program soon). British Airways, Air France, and ten other airlines, along with many other businesses, have also signed on to participate in the program. 

In addition to prioritizing assistance, airports and shopping venues are developing Sunflower programs. At the Pittsburgh airport, to help individuals with sensory issues, they’ve developed a room with tunnels, wall displays, rocking chairs and special lighting to create a soothing environment. The Seattle airport has a similar Sensory Room and Interfaith Prayer area.

Learning about this reminded me of the large tunnel between concourses at the Detroit airport with psychedelic lighting, which I originally saw in 2016. On each side of the tunnel, there’s a button to push so that people with epilepsy or other sensory issues for which the tunnel would create difficulties can stop the effects. Push the button and the strobe and lighting effects cease for the period it takes to cross to the other side, then start again soon after.

So far, the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower index includes more than 900 disabilities, and there’s a form to list any that have been missed. 

The Sunflower lanyards are free. 

Find an airport or business participating in the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program here.

If you do travel in the coming months, I hope you have a safe, serene, and organized journey.