Organizing Products
Organizing requires systems, which have two aspects: geographical and behavioral. Geographical means “Where will I put it? Where will its home be?” Having a home for everything (and knowing when something’s home doesn’t even need to be with you) is essential to staying organized.
The behavioral part is knowing you have a geographic location where something belongs (in the sweater drawer, on the soup shelf, in the electronics “extras” bin, and so on) and asking, “How will I make sure it gets there?”
The following products help you identify where your stuff should live (in space and time) to help you keep it organized so your life can be more efficient.
Special Deals and Coupon Codes
Whenever Best Results Organizing becomes aware of good deals on organizing products and services, we’ll put them in this section, up-top, so you don’t miss them! For more information on these products, scroll down the page to find them in their categorical homes. Check back throughout the year for nifty discounts.
The Container Store
Are you new to the one-stop shopping for all things organized? Welcome to The Container Store! Text JOIN to 22822 and Get $5 Off $50 on Your Next Order!
Right now through March 3, 2025, you can get 20% off when you Buy Online and Pick up In Store at the Container Store.
Watch this space often for special discounts at The Container Store, as the goodies change frequently.
You’ve got tiny humans, and whether school is at the kitchen table or PS 21, they need something to carry their stuff around in, and maybe keep their lunches from getting squished.
Bixbee, making of ergonomically-smart backpacks built with the anatomy of tiny humans in mind, has some products that will delight your kids (and their spines) and keep clutter at bay. Bixbee also has delightful luggage and duffels for ease of traveling.
Bixbee is also offering FREE Standard Shipping (for US customers only) on all orders over $70.00 and a free Pencil Case with the purchase of any medium or large backpack – available while supplies last.
Recommended Products and Companies
Time Management
Time Timer
“How much longer?” Oh, that question! There’s a reason that Time Timer is one of the most popular time management tools recommended by professional organizers, teachers, and ADHD coaches. From the very beginning, with the original Time Timer, they figured out how to make time visible; once you can see time passing, you can understand how to get things done without running out of time, and improve self-regulation.
The innovative timer is easy to set, and as time passes, the sweeping “color” disappears.
In addition to the cool original versions, over the years, Time Timer has developed the colorful Time Timer Plus (in 5, 20, 60, and 120 minute versions), 8″ and 12″ magnet versions, the gorgeous Time Timer Twist, and the super-cool Mod (used with or without the dry erase board). There are even apps to use with your phone, tablet, computer, or Apple Watch.
Brand-new TimeTimers products include the Wash (which I wrote about here)
and the new Time Timer MOD – Home Edition, which I wrote about here.
If you or someone you know finds time getting away from them, Time Timer is the perfect (and research-proven) solution!
Planner Pads
Planner Pads a unique type of planner and calendar system that helps you organize, prioritize, and schedule what matters most to you. Instead of just offering squares for dates on the calendar, Planner Pads recognizes that our lives are filled with projects, various tasks that are chunked into related sections. The calendars help you identify the tasks as part of the individual projects, then funnel down to the days you’ll work on those tasks and your actual scheduled obligations. Planner Pad even comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
Planner Pads are available in executive, personal, and compact sizes. Click below to get a sense of how Planner Pad is a more customizable paper planner than what you’ve seen before.
Organize Your Kids
Academic Planner – A Tool For Time Management®
Being a student is hard. Being a parent of a student is hard. My colleague (and fellow Cornell University alum) Leslie Josel is an expert on organizing students. Whether your child has ADHD or not, is in elementary school or college, is dealing with time management issues or just can’t get organized, Leslie’s Order Out of Chaos Academic Plannerhas you covered.
The 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024 Family Choice Award-winning Academic Planner – A Tool for Time Management® is really something special. If you have kids, you know how essential time management is and how difficult it can be to grasp the concepts, but Leslie Josel has figured it out, “giving students an easy way to SEE time so they can learn to MANAGE it.”
Want more details? Check out the Paper Doll post, Back-to-School Organizing News You Can Use: 3 Solutions to Save Time, Money, and Serenity for my review of this innovative product (available in personal and letter-size) that is so much more than just a calendar.
Leslie also offers a super learning library of videos, on student study skills and education for parents. Raising Resilient Kids: Creating Independence, Confidence, and Resourcefulness in Our Youth is particularly popular!
If you’ve got kids, it’s likely that you’ve got LEGOs. And if you’ve got bare feet, you know what a pain those creative little Legoland toys can be. But fear not: help is on the way. Box-4-Blox is not merely a storage box, but a tiny miracle of sorting. Your child can just dump all the Legos into the top yellow section, attach the lid, and shake! The toys are magically sorted by size, keeping them neatly sorted and ready for play. If only we could do our taxes this easily!
Perhaps your family has had the same Scrabble® or Monopoly® board since the Eisenhower administration. The flimsy cardboard box has torn apart from years of coffee spills and tug-of-war games over who gets to read the rules. Word tiles or small hotels fall everywhere, and the bank gets filled with IOUs to make up for lost game money. GameSaver can come to the rescue with sturdy plastic containers specifically designed to organize and store board games.
Each box comes with divided sections just the right size for common game boards, pieces, cards, and even play money. The lids snap tight so everything stays inside, and the divided sections keep your pieces in place. Not only do these ingenious containers make game set up fast and easy, but they also help to make game storage and clean-up time fun!
Lay-n-Go Activity Mat & Toy Organizer
Organize Your Papers, Information and Office
Throughout my blog and various articles, you’ll often see me refer to a Tickler File for gaining mastery over your action items and paperwork.
Smead Heavy-Duty Adjustable Hanging File Folder Frame
Smead Desk File/Sorter Daily (1-31) and Monthly (Jan-Dec)
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