Do I Have To Keep This Piece Of Paper?
Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper?
The Best Results Guide To Records Retention: Know What to Keep and How Long To Keep It
Do YOU want to get out from under all the piles of documents and papers without tossing anything you’ll need for legal, tax or financial purposes?
It can be so frustrating to want to clear out your paper clutter, but remain plagued by fears that you might be tossing the one piece of paper that stands between you and financial or legal security.
Does this sound like you?
- You’re scared of the IRS–what receipts do you need to keep them off your back? Do you need to keep all of them? Forever? What can you toss now to help yourself dig out from under?
- You get both quarterly statements and annual statements for your 401(K) — which ones should you keep? Do you need to keep them at all?
- You feel stupid that you don’t know how to read a prospectus or quarterly report, but the brokerage company keeps sending them. How can you possibly know what you need to keep? None of these little booklets having anything to do with your account or balance—do you need to save them for proof of anything?
- You don’t think you owe anything else for past medical procedures. Do you need to hold onto medical bills once they’re (finally) paid? What about the “Explanation of Benefits” forms the insurance company sends? What would happen if you discarded the EOBs and then the doctors asked for more money?
- You’re decades from retirement, but keep getting yearly statements from the Social Security Administration, and you don’t even know if Social Security will be around when you retire. If the government is tracking this, do you even need to hold onto these statements?
It can be such a headache to try to figure out which documents, receipts and papers you can get rid of, which you need to keep (and for how long) and which you have to shred in order to keep your identity protected.
Are you afraid of tossing out the one piece of paper that you’ll need to keep you out of debt, out of jail or out of trouble?
Too often, people hold on to useless papers for months or years out of fear of letting go of something that might be needed later. This can lead to a paper pile-up of epic proportions.
But fear not!
The Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper? Special Report parts the sea of confusion and walks you step-by-step through each category of papers so you can actually understand not only what to keep (or toss), but why. You’ll be clear on the thinking and policies that guide each decision to keep or discard each piece of paper.
Do you wish you had an expert in your corner?
As a Certified Professional Organizer, I often get calls from clients and friends wanting to know how they can be sure they’re saving the essential documents for the right amount of time without cluttering their homes with unnecessary papers. My Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper? Special Report is a response to all of them (and all of you) who need to know what papers to keep and how long to keep them.
You’ll feel so much better knowing why you’re keeping (or tossing) papers instead of always fearing you’re not doing the right thing.
Finally! A simple resource guide to help me wade through my multiplying mounds of paper. As a work-at-home professional, mom, and CFO of our household I am overwhelmed by the pieces of paper that accumulate — bills, receipts, school papers, bank documents, etc. To me the rules seemed muddy on what to keep and what to shred, so for the past few years I’ve been keeping it all! Yikes!
A recent effort to get organized led me to read Julie Bestry’s Special Report, Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper?. It is a great resource to help sort through the importance of certain documents. It is simple, to the point, and brief. Categorized and bulleted lists make it the perfect go-to guide when organizing paperwork.
So before you frantically start shredding things in a manic effort to rid yourself of paper or before you rent out a storage facility for your boxes of documents, read Julie’s reference guide to get a handle on the bare necessities!
Trisha McCombs
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Toss your anxiety…and the papers you don’t need…and grab hold of your confidence and essential documents. Click to purchase Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper? today!
Click the “Buy Now” button right now, download the Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper? PDF, and within minutes you can start confidently sorting through your papers, knowing what documents need to be preserved and which you can toss or shred. Instead of poring over filing cabinets bursting at the seams with outdated documents and receipts, trade frustrating clutter for confidence and serenity.
Here’s your chance to learn the right answers to the question “Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper?”

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