


Tickle Yourself Organized by Julie Bestry

This special report, Tickle Yourself Organized, teaches all the tips and tricks you need to know to organize your papers, tasks and thoughts.

Learn five essential principles of getting organized, gain insight into the ways you may be sabotaging your efforts, and try out the practical, step-by-step guidelines for turning piles of clutter into neatly prioritized tasks that will become much easier to complete.

Gain control over all of the information and reminders in your life without letting anything fall through the cracks. Let this special report help you master your space and schedule.

Save time and money, improve productivity and eliminate all of your clutter-related stress.



Do I Have To Keep This Piece Of Paper? by Julie Bestry

Do you struggle with paper clutter? Do you dream of discarding it all but fear that getting rid of a vital document might someday stand between you and your financial or legal security?

This special report is your ultimate guide to records retention. From auto titles to warranties, from personal finance to family history, Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper will relieve the headache of trying to figure out which documents, receipts and papers you can get rid of, which you need to keep (and for how long) and which you have to shred in order to keep your identity protected.

Instead of poring over filing cabinets bursting at the seams with outdated documents and receipts, the Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper? report will show you how to trade frustrating clutter for confidence and serenity.

Learn the right answers to the question “Do I Have To Keep This Piece of Paper?” in this special report.


Simplify The Season and Save Your Sanity by Julie Bestry

This special report is your guide to not only surviving the holidays, but thriving — every day of the season.

Is your house a mess from Thanksgiving until the New Year, with cards and grocery lists and overflowing shopping bags covering every inch of your space? Is your calendar so filled that you don’t have a minute to yourself?

Does it seem like you’re plagued by illness just when the work is done and it’s time to celebrate? Do you sometimes wish you could spend the holidays with Santa and the elves instead of your extended family? Do you feel unappreciated for all the efforts you make towards creating a beautiful holiday?

As much as we all love the season, the chaos and clutter, the frenzy and the frustrations, the calories and the cards, can leave us overwhelmed and disappointed as we work our way from giving thanks to making resolutions.

With this special report, you can accomplish your holiday goals, stay healthy from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day, and eliminate the stresses of the season. Learn proven principles for planning activities and giving gifts so you can declutter your home and schedule.

This year, give yourself the gift of serenity with Simplify The Season and Save Your Sanity, a special report that offers you the keys to making the season a little more magical.



 57 Secrets for Organizing Your Small Business By Julie Bestry

Are you a small business owner, sole proprietor, freelancer, entrepreneur, or otherwise running your own show and feeling so overwhelmed by the details of managing your business that you have no time to focus on the actual work, let alone time to enjoy it?

Disorganization in your small business costs money. Because time is money, every moment you spend looking for missing information, redoing lost work, and coping with interruptions takes you away from more lucrative activities. Armed with the 57 organizing secrets in this book, you can save time, grow your profits, reduce your stress, and increase your productivity.

Read more…

Note: While 57 Secrets for Organizing Your Small Business is currently out of distribution, we are anticipating new edition with updated content in the future. If you’d like to be informed when this or others of my books become available, please sign up for my intermittent newsletter, Best Results for Busy People or send a note through the Contact page saying something like, “tell me when the new book is ready” (if you’d prefer to only hear about publishing updates).